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Home Features 2010 June


Face the Music (and Your Fears)

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Face the Music (and Your Fears)After a lifelong battle, musician Alvin Slaughter overcame his fears by confronting his own faulty thinking. Here’s how you can do the same.


By the time I was 34 years old, I had seriously messed up my life. I had failed at most of my 16 jobs, fathered two children out of wedlock, was evicted from two apartments and suffered foreclosure on my mortgage. My financial problems led to two declared bankruptcies and an inevitable crisis in my marriage. I had lost a lot.

If you consider closely my ongoing dilemmas in life, you’ll observe a pattern. The problem was not that God wasn’t big enough or that He’d forgotten me. Neither could I blame the devil or other people for everything wrong in my life. Though the devil and people are sometimes factors that need to be addressed, in this case it was my faulty life pattern I had to ultimately face. In short, I had to face the music.

As a professional singer, the phrase “facing the music” intrigued me. Simply put, it means “to accept responsibility for what you have done.” It means owning up to poor choices and patterns of living. For me, it meant admitting that for more than 20 years, my life had been completely gripped by fear. Fears of failure, rejection, my own weakness and not knowing how to confront life’s challenges plagued me continually. They affected every area of my life and kept me from success.


Understanding Twilight

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Understanding TwilightA parent’s guide to the biggest teen vampire series in history


Since Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series debuted in 2005, the four books about love-struck teenage vampires, werewolves and humans have taken the world by storm. More than 100 million copies have sold worldwide, and translation rights have been purchased in 50 nations. The first film adaptation, Twilight, generated $408 million internationally, followed by another $709 million for the second installment, New Moon, which released last fall to mixed reviews. Still, the book’s largely young, female fans are anxiously awaiting this month’s release of the third film in the series, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

Observers say the books about a vampire named Edward Cullen who hunts game rather than humans and falls in love with a teenage girl named Bella Swan is, at its core, a classic romance. Youth minister Kimberly Powers says that after talking with dozens of Twilight fans, she found the books tapped into a deep longing for love and meaning. “The girls weren’t coming for the vampires, they were coming for the love story,” says Powers, co-founder of Walk the Talk Youth Ministries and author of Escaping the Vampire. “These girls are just longing to be accepted. I’ve seen this for years and years. This is just another way of drawing them.”


Keep the Love Alive

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Keep the love aliveThree principles to help fix your marriage before it’s too late


It is said that every relationship we have is either growing and moving forward or sliding backward and deteriorating. Relationships never stand still very long.

We’ve certainly noticed this in our marriage. There were times when not only were we sliding backward; we’d almost slipped over the edge. But something always kept us from going too far, and eventually we got back on track.

Even when we were moving forward, though, we found that it still wasn’t easy or pain-free. We are living proof that great marriages don’t just happen but always result from hard work. What we are experiencing today as a couple makes yesterday’s work worth it all.

Three basic principles, which we share here, have kept our marriage on track. When we’ve taught them in seminars and retreats, other couples have enjoyed similar results. We believe your marriage will benefit from them too.


Calling All Radicals

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Calling All RadicalsWhat radical abandonment to Jesus really means

Twenty leaders from different churches in the area sat on the floor with their Bibles open. They had gathered in secret and intentionally arrived at different times to not draw attention to their meeting. They lived in a country in Asia where it is illegal for them to gather like this. If caught, they could lose their land, their jobs, their families or their lives.

“Some of the people in my church have been pulled away by a cult,” said one man sitting in a corner. The cult he referred to is known for kidnapping and torturing believers. Brothers and sisters having their tongues cut out of their mouths is not uncommon. As he shared about the dangers his church members were facing, tears welled up in his eyes. “I am hurting,” he said, “and I need God’s grace to lead my church through these attacks.”

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