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June 2010

Upclose With Peter Hitchens

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British journalist Peter Hitchens believes faith is reasonable, and that's no small feat. The brother of popular God Is Not Great author Christopher Hitchens embraced atheism as a teenager and burned his Bible when he was 15. But at age 30, he began to drift slowly back toward Christianity. Now part of the Church of England, Hitchens says there is "a good, firm, reasonable case for belief in God," which he explains in his newly released memoir The Rage Against God. Recently he talked with Charisma about his book, his journey to faith and the future of Christianity in Britain.

Do you see others in your generation returning to faith?
I think my generation is particularly hostile to faith in Britain. There's something about the way they were brought up, the circumstances they were brought up in. It's one of the big differences between not just Britain and the United States, but Europe and the United States. The huge damage which the early part of the 20th century did to religious faith in general, particularly the First World War, it just went very deep. And we caught a sort of rather large after shock of that, I think. When I go to church now, there are people there who are older than me and there are people there who are younger than me, but very few are the same age. Mine is just a particularly secular generation. And it's one that's been very lucky so therefore not as most generations in human existence have been compelled to confront the sort of things, which make people think about the broader, deeper subjects which lead you toward faith. We just haven't needed to. Now that we're all approaching the grave, it might become more urgent, but I think most people would say I don't practice. I don't think it will really come to it. You've got an awful lot of British people who don't know what it means declaring that they're atheist these days, of my generation. It's a matter of pride and something that distinguishes them in some way.


Studying Israel

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See Israel

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Journey through Israel through the lens of a camera. Follow Charisma associate editor Valerie G. Lowe as she gives you a glimpse of the holy land.

Introduction video with Valerie G. Lowe

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Protecting Israel

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Watch how humanitarian aid organizations are protecting the next generation of Jews.

Leket Israel

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