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Old Wolf
Member since Aug-09-09 · Last seen Nov-11-10
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   Old Wolf has kibitzed 26 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Nov-08-10 Van Wely vs C Hansen, 1992 (replies)
Old Wolf: Actually I think this game would have made for an excellent problem later in the week, to find Black's 40th move. ..Be4! is brilliant because the white queen is overloaded: it has to guard e3 (otherwise Rxe3 wins) and it has to cover the white bishop (otherwise Rb1/Rd1 etc. wins). ...
   Nov-04-10 T Hillarp Persson vs F Peralta, 2010 (replies)
Old Wolf: This was easier than Monday's for me. Q: What interesting positional features are there? A: Black's d7 bishop is only defended by the queen. (among other things) Q: How can we deflect the queen? Once you have asked yourself that question the correct sequence of moves to "check ...
   Aug-03-10 S Cicak vs A Khruschiov, 2008 (replies)
Old Wolf: Interesting that a lot of people say that after Nf8, Kg8 is "forced" or "the only move". It's not even the best move. (Black can also cover h7 with his queen).
   May-01-10 Goglidze vs Bannik, 1954 (replies)
Old Wolf: The annotation says 47.hxg5 loses , but it actually wins: 47. hxg5 e4; g6 Bg2; Ke1! d3; Ba8! d2+; Kxd2 e3+; Kxe3 Bxe8; Kd4 1-0
   Apr-23-10 S Bernstein vs Dake, 1936 (replies)
Old Wolf: 50..Kf3 draws the same way as in the game after 51.f6! I use the 'critical squares' method to assess these endings: if the black king can reach e5,f5,g5,e4,f4,g4 (with his pawn on f7 and the white pawn gone), with either side to move, Black wins. Otherwise it is a draw. In the ...
   Apr-08-10 Kasparov vs P Nikolic, 1994 (replies)
Old Wolf: Is it just me or have they had their difficulties messed up all week? This one was almost too easy even for a Monday problem, but yesterday's (and Monday's) had quite a bit of analysis to be done.
   Apr-03-10 Smyslov vs V Malaniuk, 1995 (replies)
Old Wolf: <Bd6> is also a slightly stubborn defence to f6, which you would need to see and calculate through before playing f6, there are several branches to the tree.
   Mar-28-10 Y Vetemaa vs Shabalov, 1986 (replies)
Old Wolf: To <sufferingbruin> , when analysing a position, one thing you can do is to look for the most forceful moves. (If it turns out you get nowhere, then you can go back and try other techniques). After 20..Qb5; 21. Nxb5, I'm sure you had already worked out that Black has two ...
   Mar-27-10 W Schelfhout vs NN, 1910 (replies)
Old Wolf: This was much easier than the Tuesday of this week
   Mar-23-10 Y Erturan vs Potkin, 2001 (replies)
Old Wolf: You shouldn't really be thinking, "It's a Tuesday puzzle so how about <move>". In a real game you don't know if it's a Tuesday puzzle situation or not!
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