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Member since Feb-12-06
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   chrisowen has kibitzed 1359 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Nov-09-10 The World vs N Pogonina, 2010 (replies)
   Nov-08-10 Van Wely vs C Hansen, 1992 (replies)
chrisowen: The old god i'm bored, lets spice up proceedings kins a hibachi. Cooking toccata Indian game boots Wely in g3 tone Curt. Ally b5 jalapeno ne4 fugue sets up la la la french spanner dressing down cd file. A6 to the rescue? F4 it in mouth answer, vest is make or break queen shone si ...
   Nov-07-10 M Socko vs M Dziuba, 2008 (replies)
chrisowen: Dude sculpt a rig queen pans for a foothold. Handle checks labour occult. King go heads up stale white sand down leg, boots drilled queen trapping it intensive daze of thunder little head-way, hikes.
   Nov-06-10 Napoleao de Santos vs J Caldas Vianna, 1880 (replies)
chrisowen: Footf6 howler! In god's name ferris wheel keeps on turning after 22..Qh6 and glass white force half empty? Merri go round bull lurch eerie prank slav in defence vanguard gip see pawn height restriction. Tiffin mouth black Vianna whirl oh crumbs g4 wedge still works! It was a high ...
   Nov-05-10 J Thompson vs C Mead, 1857 (replies)
chrisowen: <musicmanTRIBALx> over the road 1.e4 shoots horses hip 2.Nf3 bamboo gies us a job bartender strain 3.Bc4 handle mess but as for me 'I know that my redeemer liveth' 4.b4 heavens above the law for rest 5.c3 Each fad cool book cad. Colonels black goat rants it gather dean d5
   Nov-05-10 Ivanchuk vs Nakamura, 2010 (replies)
chrisowen: Wo chess knock to Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism? Ivan to suck your blood drakes. Nakamura bizarro dent nd6 is the gum cavity. Ivan saw manhole and eyeballs anesthesia gon prey it quick harmless demolition. Pick crown dynamite agent range kc4 over. A bit saucy cease on 8 fish ...
   Nov-02-10 S Bogner vs G Bwalya, 2010 (replies)
chrisowen: Seraphim it was hell bell rook hogging hfile pawn sweeping Gillan drop h4. In the ocean optical tune dent Bd7 you rest case white. Long may your big jib draw.
   Nov-01-10 Greco vs NN, 1620 (replies)
chrisowen: Coasts along NN digging castles but a gritty sandwich ampers, Bxh7 lope rig. Non sequitur kxh7 gives st reason for the cull de riguer book. Ill a nd5 6..ng4 hankered black not pate. Bald as a tire white socks it him. Umbrage cross posing elephant rook h1 and hes wobbling g6 in.
   Nov-01-10 Z Franco-Ocampos vs P Sowray, 1983
chrisowen: <Elsinore> <WhiteRook48> sleep in noir king til counterpart quatorze bra baccara book filling series. Rook code done shone simple promotion threat humble aim up a3 pet Franco in kinking king rover. Strings a wrong rxf7 insert knee colonise material but picks back rank.
   Oct-29-10 A Miatello vs G Gaehwiler, 2010 (replies)
chrisowen: VEry fLuid isnt it, great attack pLay mOderato black nf5 zappar tit I on nc5? Picks hes like feeding a donkey strawberries! Off raise rxe6 and cramp said Gabriel swiss hole parts king angelic some just desserts not castling. On long spoon rf6 is cherub a rd6 swinging in. Three ...
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