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Member since May-20-03 · Last seen Nov-03-10
A former class A player almost 20 years ago, I'm returning to chess as a hobby in retirement. Spending more time studying end games and middle games than openings now. I may try playing in tournaments again later, but for now I like the challenge of analyzing and trying to understand the subtlties of strong Master games.
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   patzer2 has kibitzed 9817 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Nov-03-10 Kenneth Rogoff (replies)
patzer2: At is a list with photos and cause of deaths of WWE/WWF wrestlers who died over the decade between 1998 and 2008. The only death "in the ring" over that 10 year period was that of Owen Hart who tragically <died on the 23rd May 1999 in front ...
   Nov-03-10 Guimard vs Euwe, 1946 (replies)
patzer2: Not sure if the puzzle position should be 34. ? or 34...? If 34. ?, then the only solution appears to be 34. Kf2! = for a defensive move to try and hold. Other tries lose. For example, 34. Qg4? Qh2+ 35. Kf3 Nd4+ 36. Ke3 Nc2+ ...
   Nov-02-10 S Bogner vs G Bwalya, 2010 (replies)
patzer2: <Once>'s post about true love and Chess also includes a few lyrics from the song Summer Nights from the 1978 movie Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. You can find it online at
   Nov-01-10 Greco vs NN, 1620 (replies)
patzer2: Today's Monday puzzle is a little diversion from our usual easy start to the week, but for the regulars here I suspect the demolition attack 7. Bxh7+!, yielding a decisive assault on Black's weakened Kingside castled position, wasn't too difficult to find.
   Oct-31-10 D Yanjindulam vs T Tsereteli, 2010 (replies)
patzer2: <LIFE Master AJ> I looked at it with Fritz 10, on a 2.1 GHz Intel core dual processor for 20 minutes, and the program on infinite analysis did generate a winning evaluation for Black after 34. Rxg2 Rxg2 35. Rd7+ Kb8 36. Rd8+ Kb7 37. Rd7+ Qc7!
   Oct-30-10 D Howell vs R Pruijssers, 2008 (replies)
patzer2: The demolition sham sacrifice 31. Bxh6! initiates a decisive assault on the weakened Black castled position to solve today's Saturday puzzle. I found the first two moves in the combination easy enough, but varied with 33. Rg3
   Oct-29-10 Topalov vs Carlsen, 2010 (replies)
patzer2: In the final position, if White plays 32. Rxf7+, then 32...Kg8! instead of 32...Kg6? is the correct response. Here's some analysis with Fritz 10: 34. Rxf7+ Kg8! (34... Kg6? 35. Ne5+ Kf5 36. Nec4 Rxd2+ 37. Nxd2 Nxd2 38. Ra7 g4 39. Rxa4 e5 40. hxg4+ Nxg4 41. e4+ Nxe4 42. Ra8 Ng5 ...
   Oct-29-10 A Miatello vs G Gaehwiler, 2010 (replies)
patzer2: For today's Friday puzzle, 20. Rxe6+! destroys the helpless Black King's illusion of security and will quickly win decisive material or mate.
   Oct-28-10 S Matthews vs P Seegolam, 2010 (replies)
patzer2: Black's 19...Kf8 is an awkward looking move, allowing the clear winning shot 20. Rxg7! However, it would appear Black is lost at this point anyway. Black's best chance to put up a defense appears to be 19...h5!? when 20. Qh6! Ng4 21. Qxh5! (not 21. Qd2? f6!
   Oct-27-10 D Mueller vs A Van Weersel, 2001 (replies)
patzer2: <M.Hassan> good post! I missed the 24...Bg6 possibility which avoids immediate mate but lets White win obviously decisive material. Some other possibilities, giving up clearly decisive material to prolong the mate include 24...Qc4, 24...Ne5 and 24...Rf1+. So it looks like 24. ...
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