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Written by Felicia Mann  
Thursday, 04 November 2010 01:57 PM EDT

According to the results of an election-day survey by the Faith and Freedom Coalition (FFC), self-professed evangelicals and social conservatives made up the largest single voting block in the midterm elections held on Nov. 2.

The survey results, released after the elections, showed that the two groups cast 29 percent of the votes, and a whopping 78 percent of them voted Republican. For this year’s midterm elections, evangelicals garnered their highest turnout in history, up 5 percent over the previous high in 2006.

"People of faith turned out in the highest numbers in a midterm election we have ever seen, and they made an invaluable contribution to the historic results," said FFC Chairman Ralph Reed, "including the election of a Republican majority in the House and significant gains in U.S. Senate seats, governorships, and hundreds of state legislative seats and local offices."

Also contributing to the turnout were self-identified members of the Tea Party, 52 percent of whom said they are evangelicals, and Roman Catholics, who as a block voted 58 percent Republican.

"This survey, along with numerous exit polls, makes clear that those who ignore or disregard social conservative voters and their issues do so at their own peril," Reed said.

The FFC telephone survey was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies on Nov. 2 with 1,000 voters and had a ±3.1 percent margin of error.

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#29 alexander bowen 2010-11-12 04:31
Yea, where are the jobs! I read a company is moving one of it's plants to Mexico due to cheaper labor. I suppose that's where the jobs went. Suppose the illegals will be fleeing back to Mexico to take these jobs.

Your love for your brothers Mexicans is breathtaking, I hope you move to Mexico after one of these jobs, that will be a blessing
#28 WhosYourDaddy? 2010-11-10 20:15
Quoting biblebanger:
Yea, where are the jobs!

#27 Santos Salvador 2010-11-10 08:52
Why American Christians are so involved in Politics? while the rest of Christians in the World are evangelizing, having revivals, being persecuted, loving people, etc...

Something is wrong here...

Mixing the Gospel with Patriotism>>>>??!!??
-1 #26 biblebanger 2010-11-09 14:07
Yea, where are the jobs! I read a company is moving one of it's plants to Mexico due to cheaper labor. I suppose that's where the jobs went. Suppose the illegals will be fleeing back to Mexico to take these jobs.
-1 #25 WhosYourDaddy? 2010-11-09 13:26
Quoting STEVEM:
So much utter nonsense on this thread

I know--it was really crazy there for a while! Now, WHERE ARE THE JOBS?
-1 #24 STEVEM 2010-11-08 13:10
So much utter nonsense on this thread Thanks Yosef , God Sense and Rickd, for adding sane persepctives

Only thing I'll add is that while I am encouraged by the result . There are still many disturbing trends hence we musnt relent in our prayers
-1 #23 Bethel Place 2010-11-06 12:14
Others have already pointed out the error in Yosef's reasoning so I don't want to beat a dead horse. But this election and the outcome really had nothing to do with "prayer" or intervention on God's behalf. It was already known by the mainstream media, polls, and all politicians that the Dems were going to be pushed out. If the GOP had NOT one as predicted, THAT would have been a "God" or supernatural moment. This was simply politics so don't blame God. Now that the GOP has a voice, WHERE ARE THE JOBS?

..had tax cuts for the rich for 10 yr now. ,,where's the jobs?
#22 Derek Jager 2010-11-06 12:08
Quoting Derek Jager:
If the GOP had NOT been pushed out one as predicted,

Meant to write if they had NOT been pushed out as predicted, THAT would have been "supernatural."
#21 Derek Jager 2010-11-06 12:06
Quoting yosef:
T it is clear that prayer DOES work and that our country is set upon a road that will return us to righteousness.

Others have already pointed out the error in Yosef's reasoning so I don't want to beat a dead horse. But this election and the outcome really had nothing to do with "prayer" or intervention on God's behalf. It was already known by the mainstream media, polls, and all politicians that the Dems were going to be pushed out. If the GOP had NOT one as predicted, THAT would have been a "God" or supernatural moment. This was simply politics so don't blame God. Now that the GOP has a voice, WHERE ARE THE JOBS?
-1 #20 Bethel Place 2010-11-05 15:40
Quoting Rickd:
Bethel, I think you have a responsibility to live by your convictions. And if you feel that is what the Holy Spirit revealed to you, far be it from me to presume to talk you out of it. You answer only to our Dad. And he doesn't care that much about our temporal politics. He cares about filling the wedding banquet table with dems, republicans, socialists, commies, fascists, Independents, wobblies, arabs, americans, indians, blacks, chinese, those that were gay, straights, women, and a few old white males..

I think we all will be surprised on that day when we find out what we did for God, and what we THOUGHT we did...and by who is there..Hello Elvis, hi Duke!

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