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Squeezed into Your New Season!

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The narrow place is the path to your new season! This uncomfortable road is usually filled with darkness, confusion and limitations. You may want off this path. Sometimes you are even tempted to return to a more comfortable place. Yet, the only way to secure your future is to make it all the way through the narrow place.

A new baby must come through the dark and narrow place for birth to occur. A worm is transformed into a butterfly in a dark and narrow place. Victory often comes during the darkest hour. To experience something new, we often times must endure dark and narrow places.

Keep moving forward. The only way to lose, is to stop. Let new vision be birthed as you come through your time of uncomfortable darkness. Watch the transformation of your new identity as it is released in your life. Your future is waiting for you at the end of this narrow place. Get ready to be squeezed into your new season!


The Moral Health Care Con!

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This week I was shocked by the news that a long list of "progressive" ministers came out in support of the administration's plan. They claim that universal health care is a moral issue. Their belief is based on a very superficial social, moral and economic analysis. Contrary to their assertion, the church has never historically viewed health care as the government's responsibility.

The Encyclopedia Britannica tells us that: The modern concept of a hospital dates from A.D. 331 when Constantine, having been converted to Christianity, abolished all pagan hospitals and thus created the opportunity for a new start. Until that time disease had isolated the sufferer from the community. The Christian tradition emphasized the close relationship of the sufferer to his fellow man, upon who rested the obligation for care. Illness thus became a matter for the Christian church.


Above All, Do No Harm!

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Last week I shared a very personal story of my struggle with both cancer and the insurance companies. My doctors informed me that I had two near-death experiences along with a mini-stroke that temporarily caused the right side of my body including my face, arm and leg to be paralyzed. Although I am fine now, that was a scary season in my life.

During my health challenges I met scores of foreigners at Johns Hopkins, hoping the American doctors could save them. Middle Easterners, South Americans and Europeans were among those that frequented various Hopkins departments. Surprisingly the day I met with my surgeon to lay out the plan for my 7.5-hour surgery, an aging man all the way from Hong Kong sat with several family members waiting to see my internationally known doctor.


Health Care Plan or Health Scare Plan

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Harry JacksonOn August 20, 2005 my wife and I sat in the office of a world famous surgeon from Johns Hopkins hospital. The Saturday appointment struck us as an unusual time to meet with such a prestigious doctor. The hospital was like a ghost town - darkened hallways, empty offices and a skeletal staff poised at the main entrances for security. To our surprise, there were several families going in and out of the doctor's office. He appeared without the traditional entourage of receptionists and assistants. Chipper and buoyant, the doctor greeted us with a glow and a smile.


I Double-Dog Dare You

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You have an adventurous spirit inside you waiting to be released! Too often there have been negative people, financial situations or wrong emotions that have prevented you from experiencing something you've longed to do.

What is it that you would like to do, but have never had the courage to do? Do you want to write a book? Learn a new language? Maybe do something adventurous just for fun? My son-in-law wanted to skydive for many years. Last year, our daughter gave him a skydiving lesson as a birthday present. The day arrived. Cameras were ready. Finally, the moment arrived when he jumped from the plane! Soaring through the air, Brian felt the exhilaration of a long awaited adventure! He accomplished what he had wanted to do for so many years!

Helen Keller once said that life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. You only have one life to live. Go ahead and do what you have longed to do. Stop listening to the negative voices around you. Allow your adventurous spirit to be released. Dare to really live! Experience the adventure that is waiting to be enjoyed by you!

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