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When It's Time to Move On

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Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on." —Exodus 14:15

You will know it is time to move on when circumstances have coalesced in such a manner that you just say, "I can see there is only one thing to do." It is when God takes things out of your hands. Do you know what Christian conversion is? It is when God has caused things to happen in such a way that you really had no choice. God has sent one signal after another, and you know that the only way forward is to move on. That's what I am challenging you to do now—to make the step.

Look at where you are and all that is there—famine—that which gives you no hope. Now look at what lies ahead: God promises life, and He will take care of you. Consider the possibility that one day you will go to heaven and you will see Jesus face-to-face. You will discover exactly what He looks like, what His voice sounds like, how tall He is. You will see Him. You will enjoy complete security: there will be no worries about employment, about where your next meal is coming from, about having to take exams, or having to prove yourself in some way. In heaven there will be eternal security, peace, and joy, no tears, no pain, no sorrow.

So I ask you, which do you prefer? Do you choose to go to heaven or live on this earth for another year or two of pleasure? How much time do you have left? Do you really want to cling to that habit, that lifestyle, that viewpoint, which have brought you near to ruin when the alternative is going to heaven?

I would challenge any Christian reading this to spend your time in prayer without seeking for a thing. Instead spend the whole time thanking the Lord. Sacrifice what you would like to ask Him. Sacrifice the time: just give it to Him, and be thankful. You have so much cause to be thankful.

Excerpted from All's Well That Ends Well (Authentic Media, 2005).

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