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Home Features 2010 October


When You Have Done All

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When You Have Done AllAfter a decade of Job-like turmoil—including losing his wife to cancer—prophetic prayer leader James Goll has learned a few things about standing with God through the storms of life


“And having done everything ... stand firm.”—Ephesians 6:13 (NASB)

I never once thought my life would go the direction it has over the last decade. Ten years ago I had no reason to fear having to face a disease such as cancer, particularly since I knew of no major history of it in my family. And yet for the last eight years I’ve fought a grueling battle against non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Prayer has always been my first weapon, though I have sought input and treatment along the way from as many sources as possible. I’ve endured dozens of treatments, had some amazing God encounters, and have been pronounced clear and free of cancer at least three times—only to find it return in a different region of my body.


Practically Political

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Practically PoliticalCan Christians save the mess that is today’s American political scene? Better yet, should we? Charisma  asked two pastors to offer their unique viewpoints on the role politics plays in believers’ lives.

The Church as a Prophetic Voice

by Harry R. Jackson Jr.

I am often asked why I spend so much time engaging in the moral battles of our day. My critics see my work outside the pulpit as crass political pandering or fleshly power grabs. 

They often are joined by a host of folks in our culture who want to renounce the religious right. These peace-loving believers have not been able to identify with angry, self-appointed spokespersons who have historically dominated the media. 

Despite the excesses of some of our forerunners, the church dare not withdraw in monklike fashion from the public square.


We Will Never Forget

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We Will Never ForgetWhy Yad Vashem is more than a top tourist attraction in Israel

All it takes is turning the channel, turning your head or turning your thoughts to something less disturbing. That’s how easy it has become today to tune out the reality of a million people slaughtered in an ethnic cleansing or hundreds of thousands killed by another massive earthquake, flood or hurricane.

But in Israel each year, more than 800,000 individuals refuse to turn away from a past filled with pain and indescribable horror. Instead, they walk through the doors of Yad Vashem and leave willingly scarred for life. Despite the cost of deep wounds being reopened, they choose to never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust.


Terms of Offense

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Terms of OffenseMessianic Jews believe in Jesus. Just don't call us Christian.


Charisma places accuracy at the forefront in each story we publish, but sometimes even our most carefully crafted words can send the wrong signal. This was the case in a recent article we published about Messianic Jews and Israel’s statehood, which included the subheading, “These brave Christians are sharing the love of Jesus in Israel.” With the exception of the word “brave” (Jews in Israel living out their faith in Yeshua are brave indeed), we’ve learned that the rest of the phrase could be damaging to Messianic Jews’ vital task of making Yeshua real to Jewish people. Our friend Eitan Shishkoff, a Jewish believer and director of Tents of Mercy in the Galilee, graciously explains why in the following article.


A Jewish Awakening?

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A  Jewish Awakening?With more Jews professing faith in Yeshua than ever before, Israel’s supporters wonder if this isn’t the beginning of an end-times prophecy being fulfilled


Inside a prayer cave on the mountain where Elijah once challenged the prophets of Baal to call down fire from heaven, Jordan Elias was playing a song of worship and repentance when he had a radical encounter with God.

“It was as if a presence burst through the door and filled the cave in an instant, and I immediately sensed the holiness of God,” recalls the 23-year-old Elias. “It was heavy. A good word to describe it is ka’vod. In Hebrew, it means ‘the weight of His glory.’ I tried to stand, but the presence of God just compelled me to my knees and onto my face. I began weeping and crying out: ‘Lord, I’m Your servant. Give me Your fire.’”


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