About this Website

Thank you for your interest in DBT Self Help. As the owner of this website, DBT is not "my therapy." In fact, I'm not a professional at all but someone who went through DBT many times. The "lessons" written on the website come from people who have been through the recovery process who are sharing their experiences with each skill in hopes of being helpful to others.

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    Just a Friendly Reminder
    Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. is the creator of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. This website is not in any way “official” nor does it necesarily express Dr. Linehan’s views. Remember! This website was created by participants graduating from DBT groups. Works by professionals are clearly marked on the site. That said, we appreciate all that she has done for people suffering from BPD. You can find more information about Dr. Linehan at www.behavioraltech.org.

    If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
    If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
    -- Dalai Lama

    This site is copyrighted © 2003. Please read the Copyright Page to learn how you may or may not use these materials.