
If you would like to contribute to this website, the following types of materials are accepted for consideration

Personal Stories
You may submit personal stories about your experience with DBT - how it has changed your life, your process of recovery or examples of your experience with mindfulness exercises of any sort or the Mindfulness Movies from this site or anything that you think would be helpful to people who are considering, beginning, participating in, or graduating from a DBT group.

Inappropriate submissions include anything with graphic details of SI, complaints about groups or therapists or references to your blog or website (see Link Exchanges).

Please keep your stories to about 1,000 words or less and submit electronically via email or via CD with an MS Word file in the postal mail.

Personal essays about using individual DBT skills are highly encouraged. You can talk about your insights in practicing specific skills like radical acceptance or a mindfulness meditation technique.

If your stories are in video format, you can post them on YouTube, send me the link and I will consider posting it.

Professional Articles
If you are a DBT Professional with an article you’d like to publish on the site, please attach it to an email with an explanation of why you think it would fit into the site.

Poetry and Artwork
I’ve spent my life using creativity to help me recover and I know that many others are doing the same. Although I haven’t set up a section for it yet, if there is enough interest, I will.

If you have something to say about why you think something should be added or changed in the DBT Community, there is now a section to publish your thoughts, opinions and ideas - DBT in Motion. Try to keep it to about 500 words. Be appropriate. Please consider whether you are making a personal complaint or voicing a concern. I will consider the latter.

Time Frames for Publication

Stories, Essays, Videos, Poetry and Artwork and Professional Articles are published bi-annually.
OpEd, Announcements and Link Exchanges are posted quarterly
Broken links and fixes are updated ASAP.
Advertising is not accepted.

Please let us know of new publications in DBT - books or websites. You are also welcome to write a book review.

Becoming a “Well Said” Author
You can nominate an author for the “Well Said” section, but inclusion is by invitation only.

Link exchanges
I am happy to exchange links with  appropriate websites. This includes webpages for DBT counseling services, or others in the mental health related fields. If you’re not sure if you’re site is appropriate, please visit the Links section to see the types of links already published.

I visit each website requesting a link to make sure the subject matter is appropriate before adding them to this site. So if you have a ski shop that vaguely relates to health, this would not be appropriate.

Please note that I do not post link requests as they come in. I will consider them and let you know if they are accptable and when they are posted based on “The Time Frames for Publication.”

Broken links and fixes
Please feel free to email me at any time about site and navigation difficulties and I’ll get on it as soon as I am able.

Thank you all for supporting and contributing to this website.

*The author of this website reserves the right to edit or discontinue posting any link or story or other type of post at any time.

*Please note: This website does not accept advertising.

This site is copyrighted © 2003. Please read the Copyright Page to learn how you may or may not use these materials.