The BPD Tool

This is a new and innovative approach to borderline personality disorder. It is a tool that gives clients and clinicians a way to collaboratively formulate a complex presentation. The overwhelming impact of BPD is rationalised using a pictorial framework in booklet form.

The framework is particularly useful when a client calls in distress. It can be used easily. By using the picture (1-7) nearest to how the clients feel, a mutual understanding and starting point can be quickly reached to move things forward mindfully and with compassion. The tool is flexible, it can be individualised and developed creatively with each client.

Client feedback:
“I feel really understood” “I can now explain how I feel to my family”  
“I find it really hard to explain how I feel but these pictures help me to do that and remind me of all the things I have been taught in therapy”  “This is fun!”

Clinician feedback:
“I think that the pictures do a nice job of illustrating the concept of Wise Mind: that is being aware that one is in a situation for which the use of skills could prove useful”

“It is a totally different way of looking at borderline personality disorder clients. It has helped my understanding and improved my attitude”

Michelle was selected to present The BPD Tool via a stall at the 1st National Personality Disorder Congress in Birmingham on 19 + 20 November 2009. It was inspiring to hear of all the initiatives being introduced by the government for clients with personality disorders. This 'top down' approach is to be applauded. Using The BPD Tool could be viewed as a 'bottom up' approach, where clinicians can really work creatively with clients to understand their difficulties.

To find out more and order your copy:

To contact Michelle directly:

Other Resources on the BPD Tool Site:

Beside offering training courses, Carol Vivyan has developed visually-oriented educational handouts and cognitive behavior therapy forms for professional and  for clients. Examples of these handouts can be found at the links below so you can get a taste of what is available on the website.

I hope you will find these as helpful and refreshing as I did!

Anxiety Self Help
Stress Self Help
Imagery Self Help
Exercises for Defusing
Emotions and Thoughts, Reactions, Behaviors
Finding Alternative Thoughts
Coping with Flashbacks
Self-Help Course

This is New!
Michelle and Carol have created a new tool they call, “The Decider.” I’ve been referring to it as a “DBT Quick Reference Card.” I love it because all the skills are right there on one sheet. In their practices, they use the tool by printing it 2-sided on one sheet of paper and laminating it. You could do the same thing because they’re offering it here as a free download. Since it’s still in the experimental stages, if you would like to make a comment about it, you could do so by emailing Michelle.

In her words:
“It is a resource for people who have gone through DBT skills training. We have linked it to our new DBT based skills group and The BPD Tool here in Guernsey [UK] and plan to give one as a double sided laminated sheet to each client.

In practical terms: We will present a range of scenarios with clients and then demonstrate how they might use “The Decider” to access the skills they have been taught in the group.

[DBT Self Help] [What is DBT?] [DBT Skills (defined)] [Connecting Skills] [DBT Lessons] [DBT Video Text] [Everyday DBT] [Instant Mindfulness] [Links] [About this Website]

© 2003 by Lisa Dietz. Please read the Copyright Page to learn how you may or may not use these materials.