Professional Organizations





Behavioral Tech, LLC

Marsha Linehan

Founded by Dr. Marsh Linehan, trains mental health care providers and treatment teams in DBT. Dr. Linehan advocates for BPD clients and professionals. She designed the DBT methodology.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

The largest advocacy and education organization supporting all mental disorders

National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder (NEA-BPD)

Perry Hoffman


The mission of the NEA-BPD is to raise public awareness, provide education, promote research on borderline personality disorder, and enchance the quality of life of those affected by this serious mental illness.

Research Advancements Association for BPD

Valerie Porr & Regina Piscitelli

A 501 C3 not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster education and research in the field of personality disorder, specifically but not exclusively BPD.They also provide information on how to find a DBT therapist.

Florida Borderline Personality Disorder Association

Amanda Smith

The mission of the Florida BPD Association is to promote awareness, education, and research of BPD and cultivate an atmosphere of support among professionals, consumers, and families throught the state of Florida.

Abraham Low Self-Help Systems

Dr. Low, the founder was a pioneer in CBT type therapy. He founded his self-help program in the 1930’s. They focus on various self-help methods for many mental illness issues.

BPD on Depression Central entral.borderline.html

This BPD informational site is maintained by Dr. Ivan Goldberg, with no financial support from any public, nonprofit, or pharmaceutical source. It is a list of lists. Notice DBT on the bottom of the page


Home BASE is a site that provides information about BPD and its treatment, and research articles about BASE and the studies at Indiana University School of Medicine: BPD Treatment & Research Ctr.


Stuart Sorensen

Stuart Sorensen is both a professional and a client. His articles encompass a wide variety of topics related to mental illness, especially BPD, schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. The information is thorough and accessible.

The BPD Tool

DBT lessons and training using a pictoral framework for clients and clinicians managing BPD. A radical and effective approach to DBT therapy.

Fact Sheet on Borderline Personality Disorder

Tami Green

Fact Sheet

National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder. Tami is both a professional and a client


Brent Menninger

A psychiatrist with a private practice in Kansas. He treats anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, BPD, PTSD and ADD. He makes articles and audio meditations available for download on his site.

DBT definitions and links

U.S. National Library of Medicine bmed/10729937?dopt=Ab stract

Scientific information on DBT and BPD studies. Many articles are only available for a fee.

BPD World

British site devoted to borderline personality disorder

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