
  1. Miranda Kerr

    This is Miranda's mum. We are overlooking the Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. The lights are out fir Earth Hour. lots of people here

  2. Counting Crows

    I love this picture. It was a great nite...ok, actually I can't remember what the hell we were doing. Still love the...

    Feud, Zicocn Zico and JON Pringle liked this.

  3. Miranda Kerr

    Oh, also, don't forget to make your pledge on Twitter about what you are doing BEYOND THE HOUR as Myspace are donating $1 to Earth Hour for every pledge!!! I'll be back soon. Love Miranda xxx

  4. Miranda Kerr

    What do you guys think about the hijack for Earth Hour? Do you like what we are doing? Russell Simmons and I will be d…

  5. Miranda Kerr

    What do you guys think about the hijack for Earth Hour? Do you like what we are doing? Russell Simmons and I will be doing a fund-raiser for Earth Hour (a lottery-type event) where people will have the opportunity to win our Earth Hour T-shirts. Once finalised I will share all the details. Take care guys, remember Earth Hour is fast approaching. Remember a minute's silence at 8:30pm 26 March worldwide (at the start of Earth Hour) to honour all those who have been devastated by recent natural disasters. Let's take our efforts for this years Earth activities BEYOND THE HOUR - collectively we can make a difference. Lots of love to you all. Love Miranda xxx

  6. Miranda Kerr

    Have you checked out my favourite songs, artists, movies and the major influences in my life? Hijacks on! Go to

    Dwayne Miller and Th. Stump liked this.

  7. Miranda Kerr

    Loving the hijack guys. Hope you are loving it too xxx Miranda


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