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Trouble Logging In?

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Display/Browser Support

Why don’t I see more of the page when I go to a chapter?
How much of the page you see depends on your monitor screen resolution. We recommend viewing PsychiatryOnline at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 (for best results) or 800 x 600 (minimum supported resolution).

Which browsers and platforms are supported? Which are not supported?
PsychiatryOnline currently supports most recent releases of the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome on Windows and Mac operating systems.

Viewing on Mobile Devices

If you are accessing PsychiatryOnline on a web-capable mobile device (such as a smartphone or tablet), display of most pages and content will automatically be optimized for mobile viewing.

Institutional/Library Users : If your access is via your institution or library, you must be within your institution’s Wi-Fi network with a recognized IP address. To access personalization features, you will be asked to log in to your "My POL" account. To create or update an account, go to http://www.psychiatryonline.org from a desktop or laptop computer while authenticated by your institutional subscription, click the “My POL” link from the homepage, and follow the instructions. (Accounts cannot be created or updated from a mobile device.)

What are the technical requirements for viewing on mobile devices?

· PsychiatryOnline.org will accommodate a minimum screen resolution of 320 x 240 pixels.

· Supported mobile operating systems include, but are not limited to: iOS 1.0 and above, Android 1.0 and above, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod touch.

· The leading products from the top mobile manufacturers in the United States by web usage are supported.

What pages are optimized for viewing with mobile devices?

Most mobile browsers are limited in their ability to transmit large files quickly, so only the most essential information is included in the mobile optimized view of PsychiatryOnline. Search and navigation are simplified as well, to better suit the small mobile screen. Mobile site users have full access to PsychiatryOnline's powerful semantic indexed search.

Mobile optimized pages include

· Full journal issues and articles and textbook chapters (including figures, tables, and references) as well as abstract pages if the user is not signed in

· The home page, Current Issue, Past Issues, Topics, and Search pages

· Share and Email features

Pages that are not optimized for viewing with mobile devices (display remains as is when viewing on a desktop or laptop) include Self-Assessment/CME content, subscription/store, and informational pages.


Subscription options & ordering
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Institutional site licenses
Interested in a site license for your organization? Start here. More questions? Contact Trang Duong, Marketing & Communications Manager, by email at institutions@psych.org or by telephone at 1-800-368-5777 ext. 8538 (in the U.S.) or 1-703-907-8538 (outside the U.S.).

PsychiatryOnline can accommodate multiuser licenses by IP address and referring domain configurations.

Want to try PsychiatryOnline for free before buying? Please contact Customer Service.

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Want to make a bulk purchase for your company? Please contact Bob Pursell, Sales & Marketing Director, by email at bpursell@psych.org or by telephone at 1-703-907-7893.

Print titles
Want to buy a PsychiatryOnline book or journal (or any other titles from American Psychiatric Publishing) in print? Visit www.appi.org or call 1-800-368-5777 (in the U.S.) or 1-703-907-7322 (outside the U.S.).


How do I subscribe?
Visit our PsychiatryOnline Store or click the “Subscriptions” link in the site footer and select the subscription option that best suits your needs, then follow the on-screen instructions to submit your credit card in our secure online store. You’ll be asked to create a username and password during the purchasing process; you can use them to access your subscription immediately after your purchase transaction is complete.

For information about site licenses for libraries and other institutions, visit our Librarian Resource Page.

Do I need a subscription to access the books and journals on this website?
You can view tables of contents and abstracts and run searches without having a subscription to give you a better idea of the range of content offered at PsychiatryOnline.org. However, you must purchase a subscription before you can view full text of chapters or journal articles. For more information about subscription options, including to purchase online to allow immediate access, visit our PsychiatryOnline Store or click the “Subscriptions” link in the site footer.

When does my subscription start?
Your subscription will start as soon as your payment clears. For subscriptions ordered online with a credit card, this will be immediately after the credit card transaction is complete. For orders placed via phone, fax, or mail, this will be when your payment is recorded; you will receive email notification when your subscription begins.

How will I renew my subscription?
We'll contact you via mail and email before your subscription expires so you can renew.

What books and journals do I get access to with my subscription?
We offer several subscription options. Learn more here.

What if I just want to subscribe to DSM-IV-TR?
PsychiatryOnline.org currently offers only the bundles of books and journals you see here. It’s not possible to subscribe to DSM-IV-TR only. We think you'll find that the additional titles complement DSM-IV-TR well, and that the price is reasonable given the wealth of resources offered.

Is the FOCUS journal included in PsychiatryOnline.org subscriptions?
FOCUS: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry is not included in PsychiatryOnline.org subscriptions. FOCUS subscriptions can be purchased separately; visit http://www.appi.org/SearchCenter/Pages/Journal.aspx?ItemId=FOC for more information.

Does American Journal of Psychiatry CME come with my subscription?
American Journal of Psychiatry CME is a separate product that must be purchased separately from PsychiatryOnline.org and American Journal of Psychiatry subscriptions. Go to CME & Self-Assessment to see available CME courses and link to purchase information.

What if I forget my username and/or password?
You can retrieve your login information using our online Password Reminder—look for the "Sign In" links. We will email the login information for your account to the email address you supplied at registration. Or, contact Customer Service.

How do I change information in my personal profile, for example, a new email or mailing address or telephone number?
Contact Customer Service. Please be sure to include your username when communicating with us.

Does a free trial affect the length of my subscription?
Not at all. We sometimes offer free trials to help you make a decision about whether to purchase a subscription. You are not billed for the trial period, nor is it included in your subscription term. Contact Customer Service if you are interested in trying PsychiatryOnline for free.

How private is the information that I supply when registering?
PsychiatryOnline and American Psychiatric Publishing (APP) take your privacy concerns very seriously. We are committed to protecting your personal information at all times. We appreciate that you provide us with your personal data. By sharing this information with us, you allow us to make the process of purchasing and managing your subscription more convenient, reliable, and seamless. Except for the purposes indicated in the Privacy Policy, we will NOT disclose, share, sell, or rent your email address or credit card number to any third party.

Can I share my individual subscription with others?
No. Individual subscriptions are licensed only to the user who registered. When you agreed to the Terms of Use for PsychiatryOnline, you committed to keeping your username and password confidential. You are responsible for promptly notifying Customer Service of any disclosure or unauthorized use of your username and password. In that case, you will be assigned a new username and password. You may be liable for any damages that occur prior to such notification, including charges incurred as a result of the unauthorized use of your credit card.

Can I cancel my subscription?
You may cancel your subscription at any time during the first 3 months of your paid subscription. A cancellation is effective on the last day of the month in which it is received. Refunds will be prorated over the remaining term of the subscription starting with the month after the cancellation notice is given. For example, if you pay for your subscription on January 1 and cancel on March 7 of that same year, the cancellation will be effective March 31, and you will be refunded for the period April 1 through December 31. For cancellations received after 3 months, there will be no refund. To cancel, contact Customer Service.

Are American Psychological Association members or members of other related organizations eligible for discounts?
No. Only members of the American Psychiatric Association are eligible for special APA member rates.

Can I download and print the books that are included with PsychiatryOnline subscriptions?
The books are intended for online use, and cannot be downloaded to be viewed "offline" to a personal computer. However, all sections of the books have printable views.

How do I cite information I find in the PsychiatryOnline.org collection?
When citing online information, most important is to include enough information to allow a reader to locate the information again. For online publications that also exist in print form, you should always cite the version you consulted. Be sure to check with your publisher about the exact format you should use for citing online resources.

We include Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) with each resource to help you cite the online versions. DOIs are used to persistently identify content in the digital environment. Because DOIs don't change over time (even if the content is moved), they are useful for citing online information. You'll see the DOI at the top of each content section. (More info can be found at www.doi.org.)

For online books, include as much publication information as you can collect. Also include the DOI and the specific web address (URL) on which you found the cited information, along with the date you last accessed it.

Example : Hollander E, Simeon D: Anxiety disorders, in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, 4th Edition. Edited by Hales RE, Yudofsky SC. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Publishing, 2003. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9781585622689.76489. Available at: http://www.psychiatryonline.org/content.aspx?aID=76499. Accessed March 20, 2007.

Cite online journal articles similarly to how you'd cite their print versions, including volume number, page numbers, and year (if they are included). Also include the DOI and web address (URL) on which you found the article and the date you last accessed it.

Example : Stroup TS, Lieberman JA, McEvoy JP, et al: Effectiveness of olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone in patients with chronic schizophrenia after discontinuing perphenazine: a CATIE study. Am J Psychiatry 164:415–427, 2007. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.164.3.415. Available at: http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/164/3/415 Accessed March 20, 2007.


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The White Label mobile view features a portion of the site's content optimized for the unique size and speed constraints of mobile browsers.

To access this version of the site, you must sign in using your email address and password. If you have not created such a profile, please visit the site on a nonmobile browser, select the "My Stuff" tab, and follow the directions for creation of a profile. Once complete, you may return to the mobile view and use that email address and password to access the site.

The White Label mobile view supports the following mobile operating systems: iOS 1.0 and above, Android 1.0 and above, and Blackberry 6.