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Healing Words

Taking Laughter’s Medicine

I once heard a profound quote: Love makes the world go around, but it's laughter that keeps us from getting dizzy.

barbrawentrobleMany people living today take life too seriously. As a result he or she can grow sick of the stresses and circumstances that one may encounter during a lifetime. Laughter is like a cheap medicine. It eases our tensions and makes us feel everything will work out fine. Laughter is a gift we can give to ourselves and to others.

American cartoonist Charles Schultz is a man who helped people learn to laugh through his comic strip, Peanuts. Although Schultz encountered tremendous difficulties in life, he continued to make his audience laugh at their mistakes. He discovered a secret that helped people persevere through their mistakes and failures. The secret was to learn to laugh at themselves. "If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself."

Think about all the mistakes and failures you have made. Now, remember how six months later you were able to laugh at those mistakes. Life is not always perfect. Use Schultz's idea to create a great future. Give yourself a gift. Give that gift to others. Now is a good time to laugh your way into a great future.


Attitude Adjustment

Attitudes affect our quality of life! A positive attitude will help us see circumstances of life from a different perspective. A positive attitude will keep failure and success in perspective.

Positive people refuse to use the words failure, defeated or hopeless in their vocabulary. Instead, they use the words temporary setback, obstacles or challenges when describing their negative situations.

Scottish minister Alexander Whyte was known for his positive prayers and sermons. His appearance in the pulpit was as impressive as his preaching! He is often remembered by his attitude on a gloomy Sunday morning. One of his congregants thought there was nothing positive he could say about that damp and gloomy day. Yet, he began the service by praying, "Thank you, God, for a brand new day - and that it is not always like this."


Are You Critical or Encouraging?

Everyone needs encouragement. We live by encouragement. Without it, dreams die, life seems hopeless and many people give up trying to achieve their goals. Most people do a better job when they are encouraged than they do when they are criticized.

Charles Spurgeon was a man known for his encouraging words. Spurgeon preached to around 10,000,000 people during his lifetime. He was a prolific author and pastor. In addition, he founded a college and started several charitable organizations.

Spurgeon's words continue to bring life to people today. "Every man needs a blind eye and a deaf ear, so when people applaud, you'll only hear half of it, and when people salute, you'll only see part of it. Believe only half the praise and half the criticism." What encouragement!

Surround yourself with those who will encourage you. You will live by what they deposit in you. Then, find someone you can encourage. Be a life giving source of encouragement for someone each day. By giving life away, you will find life!


Look for Opportunities in Problems

Problems are filled with disguised opportunities. They are designed to cause us to grow. Opportunities are there to help us become stronger and equip us to take on our next challenge.

Ray Kroc turned his problems into a global success. Kroc partnered with the founders of McDonald's restaurants in 1954.  The finances caused the business to appear successful. Yet, Kroc recognized a problem. The founding brothers wanted to continue business with a small number of restaurants. Kroc saw the potential that was being missed.

Kroc solved the dilemma by discovering a hidden opportunity within the problem of limited restaurants.  He decided to turn a small number of financially successful restaurants into a huge franchise. Later, the business would become the global giant named McDonald's Corporation.

What opportunities are hidden within your problems? Is there a limitation? Is there a potential that is being missed? Are you looking for the opportunities in the midst of your problems?


Setting Generational Standards

Set a new standard for your generation.

Someone once said, "When you walk what you talk ... people will listen!" A similar saying is, "Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you are saying." The way a person conducts themselves in life's situations, handles their finances or the way they treat others becomes the person's message. People are watching a person's actions more than they are listening to what they say.

Four generations of Stockstills including: the belated Joel, Larry, Roy and the younger Joel have modeled their life messages to each succeeding generation for 125 years. The values that were passed down to each generation have caused millions of people to listen to the message that they speak.

The younger Joel Stockstill is the pastor of Bethany World Prayer Center's north campus in Baton Rouge, La. He spoke these words concerning his father's walk with Christ. "Always seeking the truth, courageously standing up for what he feels is right, never taking a false step toward another woman, and walking uprightly in the footsteps of my grandfather, [this has been] a standard for me that is a delight to live daily."

Set a new standard for your generation. People are looking for someone who walks what they talk. Let that someone be you.


Stress Can be Your Friend

Stress can be your friend or it can be your enemy. There are an estimated 50,000 stress-related suicides each year. Some doctors believe that 80 percent of the illnesses treated in the United States are emotionally induced illnesses. Stress in these instances is an enemy.

On the other hand, stress in life may help eliminate boredom, dullness or apathy. A certain amount of stress keeps a person motivated and moving into their future. Without some positive tension a person may not be energized for their activities in life.

Dr. Donald Tubesing provides some help for those who are experiencing stress. "Managing stress is tuning it down when it's too much, and increasing it when it's too little."

Do you need to tune down your stress? Begin your journey out of stress by doing something simple. Take one small step and the next step will follow.

Let stress be your friend and not your enemy. Your future is waiting for you to tune down your stress by merely taking the first small step.


Focus on Your Strengths

Keep your eyes on your strengths. Allow the talents you have to direct your path into the future. Your weaknesses do not determine who you are. They are merely reminders of who you are not.

Thomas Edison was an American inventor, scientist and businessman. He was almost deaf from early childhood. Yet, he did not spend his time trying to learn to hear. Edison chose to focus on his strengths rather than his weaknesses.

Edison used his ability to think, organize and create. He sold candy and newspapers on trains. He also supplemented his income by selling vegetables. These small endeavors began his course on a long list of entrepreneurial ventures. He started 14 companies. One of which is General Electric, which is still in operation today. Edison changed the world by focusing on his strengths.

Focus on your strengths. Practice those strengths until they become excellent. The path to your future will open as you develop who you really are.

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