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Home Features 2011 May


Brother John

Brother JohnSince starting a small storefront church in inner-city Chicago, John Eckhardt has guided hundreds of churches around the world, launched dozens of ministry schools and sold more than half a million books. Yet none of that has changed how he prays.


There’s a war raging, and John Eckhardt won’t relent. Fighting in the trenches for decades now, the firebrand fivefold minister has charted his own unique crusade against a known enemy, drawing enlistees from American inner cities and suburbs and as far away as Africa, Asia and parts of Europe. But don’t go looking for shields, guns or grenades at his south Chicago church­—befittingly named Crusaders Church. You won’t find them. 

This battle is not against flesh and blood. The enemy, Satan, won’t go down with mere ammunition but with authoritative, Word-filled prayers that change lost lives and rattle the religious.


Breaking Family Ties

Breaking Family TiesHow your prayers can Destroy generational Strongholds


We all know we can inherit our mother’s eyes, our father’s nose, or the color of our grandmother’s hair. But did you know that we can pick up character qualities from our parents, such as a bad temper, a propensity for lying, depression, self-pity, envy, unforgiveness, perfectionism and pride? These and other characteristics that have a spiritual root can be passed along from our parents to us, and from us to our children. In a particular family there may be a tendency toward such things as divorce, infidelity, alcoholism, addiction, suicides or depression all mistakenly accepted as “the way I am.”

The Bible talks about the influence our parents can have on us. It says God will visit “the iniquities of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me” (Ex. 20:5). This Scripture is referring to people who don’t walk in a loving relationship with God. However, a parent who is a believer and loves God can still choose to sin. And his sin will profoundly affect his children.


The Art of Suffering Well

The Art of Suffering WellJesus promised we would suffer for His name, yet how many of us know how to rise above our struggles? While he and his wife battled cancer, Billy Hornsby offered this profound message on how to face life’s biggest trials—including death.

Editor’s Note: In light of Billy Hornsby’s death (see “Transitions”), we wanted to pay tribute to this remarkable church planter by sharing one of his last public messages, which he delivered in December to his home church in Birmingham, Ala. At the time, the cancer in Billy was progressing rapidly and, though he believed God for healing, he was upfront about the possibility of dying. Given this context, Billy’s powerful words—and how he lived his last moments on earth—take on new meaning and prove that God can provide grace, strength and victory in any situation, no matter how bleak the outcome.


Have you ever started a year thinking, This is going to be a great year—in fact, I’m going to have the best year of my life? At first, everything seems to be going great and life is good. But then tragedy strikes. Maybe your business goes south, or maybe you get a dreaded disease. It rocks your world because you have such great expectations for the future, but suddenly you find yourself in despair over a tragedy that’s affected your life.


Special Travel Section: The Holy Land

Galilee: Walking in His FootstepsGalilee: Walking in His Footsteps

When retracing the primary region of Jesus’ ministry, don’t skip these sites

Israel’s Galilee region is often a Holy Land pilgrim’s favorite, especially for those who want to walk where Jesus lived and taught. This is where the bulk of Christ’s ministry occurred, where He gathered most of His followers and where He performed more than 20 miracles. 

The absence of modern development makes it easy to visualize first-century life. Solitude and meditation come easily, especially if you read Gospel accounts as you enjoy the mountain and water views around the Sea of Galilee, an inland lake known as Kinneret in Hebrew.Tiberias on the western shore is lodging central with modern hotels and restaurants near the water. And after visiting the following sites, don’t forget the most popular edible is tilapia, known as St. Peter’s fish—a great meal finale to a contemplative lake float.


Rise of the Praying Church

Rise of the Praying ChurchGod is stirring a massive yet underground movement of prayer among His people. But what does it mean? jerusalem 24/7 prayer leader tom hess offers his take.



Rising above Jerusalem along the city’s eastern side is a rolling ridge of three peaks called the Mount of Olives. Its simple name, bestowed in ancient times, doesn’t call to mind the breadth of God’s history this site has hosted. Yet on its summit the very “glory of the Lord” once stood when Ezekiel prophesied the regathering of God’s exiled people to Himself (see Ezek. 11:20-25). Thousands of years later, the glory of the Lord—God’s Son—stood on the mountain again and set into motion God’s plan to gather the nations to Himself.

From this mountain, Jesus prayed the Lord’s Prayer, the beginning of which was fulfilled on Pentecost, and the end of which will be fulfilled with His coming again to Jerusalem to reign over all nations. Also from this mountain, before He ascended to heaven, Jesus commanded His disciples to take His salvation to the world and to wait in Jerusalem until they had been filled with His power for the task:

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