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Privacy, Security & Accessibility E-mails

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Privacy & Security

Website Accessibility

Frequently Asked Questions

I received an e-mail but I'm not sure it's from Amazon. How can I tell?

There are some things we'll never ask you for through e-mail, such as your mother's maiden name and certain other personal information. Read about how to identify an e-mail from Amazon to help determine if the e-mail is actually from us.

I have a charge from Amazon that I didn't authorize. Can you tell me what it's for?

Visit our Help page on Understanding Your Credit Card Statement to find common causes of an unknown transaction, and instructions for what to do if you still can't verify what the charge is for.

Does sell my personal information? knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we're not in the business of selling customer information. Many spammers and spoofers use programs that randomly generate e-mail addresses, in the hope that some percentage of these randomly-generated addresses will actually exist. You can find out more about how your personal information is protected in our Privacy Notice.

Learn about e-mail security, safe online shopping, information privacy, and accessibility.
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