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Crystal Palace Yarns
knit hat - free pattern

Thanks to my grandson, Marcelo - age almost 4,
for modeling the hat. Here he is eating his fav snack,
lime wedges & watching Sesame Street.
I offered to fold the brim up, but he liked it
down low over his ears.
And thanks to his dad for modeling the model just below.

Below the hat on Zac in Arkansas

See other Hat Patterns Here.

See more Cotton Twirl Patterns Here.

Cotton Twirl
Everyday Stripes Hat

Designed & Knit by Laura Andersson,
CPY “Sock Guru" and Sirius Knitting Publications

Level: Advanced Beginner-Intermediate

Introduction: I love knitting hats - they're fun and fast and an enjoyable way to play with different yarns and different colors. (Another secret - you only have to knit one!)
The hats shown are 3 color variations of one basic pattern.

Abbreviations: CO: cast on; dec: decrease; K: knit; K2tog: knit 2 sts together; P: purl; rem: remain(ing); rep: repeat; st(s): stitch(es); St st: stockinette st, knit every round; rnd: round; SSK, slip two stitches from left to right needle, one-at-a-time. Insert tip of left needle into these two sts and knit them (Dec of 1).

Needles: #7 US Crystal Palace 16" circular needle or size needed to obtain gauge and 1 set size 6 - 6" DPNs (one size smaller than used for body of hat)
Gauge: 5 sts/inch in St st

Crystal Palace Cotton Twirl, 1-50 g ball of each color desired.
One hat with stripes uses a full ball of MC, and part of two CC colors; thus 2 hats from 3 balls.
One hat with stripes uses a full ball of MC, and part of two CC colors; thus 2 hats from 3 balls.
Hat Version 1: MC 2906 ketchup; CC1 2903 jet black; CC2 2908 blue bonnet. Stripe pattern is: 5 rnds CC1, 3 rnds CC2, 5 rnds CC1
Hat Version 2:
MC 2903 = jet black; CC1 = 2905 concord grape; CC2 = 2908 blue bonnet. Stripe pattern is: 2 rnds CC1, 8 rnds CC2, 2 rnds CC1
Hat Version 3: MC 2905 = concord grape; CC1 = 2908 blue bonnet; CC2 = 2906 ketchup. Stripe pattern is: 3 rnds CC1, 8 rnds CC2, 3 rnds CC1; crown top CC1

Size: hat fits a child's large (toddler ~ age 4), as well as a more snug fit for a man's/woman's small/medium-large.

Cast-On: With #7 16" circular needle and MC, cast on 96 sts. P 1 row. Join being careful not to twist. Place marker to indicate beginning of rnd (BOR).
Designer's note: it is truly a time- and sanity-saver to P that rnd before joining, as it usually prevents a twist from occurring. Hat body: work in K2P2 rib until hat is ~2.5 in from cast on edge.

The only difference between the 3 versions is the striping pattern, and the tiny top section on Hat 2.

Cut MC and join CC1; work rib for desired # of rnds; join CC2 and work rib for desired # of rnds. Then cut CC2 and work striped rib with CC1 for desired # of rnds. Cut CC1 and rejoin CC2

1. by twisting CC1 with CC2 at each BOR, you can carry CC1 up until ready to use again, resulting in fewer ends to work in.
2. When joining a new yarn, knit the first 2 sts with both colors; this anchors the yarn end, and is truly almost invisible at center back of hat.

After completing stripes, continue to work hat in K2P2 rib until ~5.5 in from cast on edge.

Preparation and first Dec rnd:
*(SSK, K19, K2tog, P1, place marker), around. Work 2 rnds in rib with no decreases.

Note: it's difficult to work the decreases and retain the rib pattern perfectly. Always work the SSK as written, but if it seems appropriate for ribbing ‘look', change the K2tog to a P2tog.

Dec Rnd 2: *(SSK, K17, K2tog, P1) around. Work 2 rnds in rib with no decs.
Dec Rnd 3: *(SSK, K15, K2tog, P1), around. Work 1 rnd in rib with no decs
Dec Rnd 4: *(SSK, K13, K2tog, P1) around. Work 1 rnd in rib with no decs.
Dec Rnd 5: *(SSK, K11, K2tog, P1), around. Work 1 rnd in rib with no decs.

Change to DPNs as the stitch count drops. It will enhance the look of the crown if you use needles 1-2 sizes smaller than those used for the hat body.

Dec Rnd 6: *(SSK, K9, K2tog, P1) around.
Dec Rnd 7: *(SSK, K7, K2tog, P1), around. Change yarn colors here if desired as in Version 2.
Dec Rnd 8: *(SSK, K5, K2tog, P1), around.
Dec Rnd 9: *(SSK, K3, K2tog, P1), around.
Dec Rnd 10: *(SSK, K1, K2tog, P1), around.
Dec Rnd 11: *(SSK, K1, P1), around
Dec Rnd 12: *(SSK, P1) around.
Dec Rnd 13: *(P2tog) around

Cut yarn, leaving an ~8 in end. With crochet hook (tapestry needle) draw yarn through each loop on needle and drop off. Pull snugly.

Finishing: work all ends in on reverse side so they don't show. A crochet hook does this very rapidly.

Laura Andersson is the editor (and author-designer) of 50 Socks- 50 states and More [a ~58-pattern, 23-designer CD released for both PC and MAC]from Sirius Knitting Publications and can be reached at drlauraASiriusATgmailDOTcom (change the AT to @ & DOT to . to send email).
© 2010 Copyright  Crystal Palace Yarns/Straw Into Gold, Inc & Dr. Laura Andersson.
This pattern is not to be used in any publication in print nor should it be reproduced in electronic/digital format without permission.
Please do not post it on the Web nor on blogs or mailing lists. Knitting shops carrying CP Yarns Cotton Twirl are welcome to print and share this pattern with customers of our yarns. Please do not use this pattern to teach classes or workshops using non-Crystal Palace Yarns.

Crystal Palace Yarns  160 23rd St, Richmond, CA 94804
phone: 510-237-9988,  fax: 510-237-9809
   email: cpyinfo -@-