1. Hobbies & Games

Scholastic Chess

Chess has been shown to help children succeed in school and learn valuable skills. It should come as no surprise, then, that scholastic chess is one of the most popular forms of the game. Learn about the rising stars of chess, how scholastic chess is organized, and great events for children being held around the world.

Chess For Schools

A UK-based project designed to promote scholastic chess.


A non-profit organization which provides chess programs for schools in New York City.

National Scholastic Chess Foundation

A scholastic chess program servicing over 70 schools in New York and Connecticut.

Scholastic Chess Gateway

A blog that covers major events in scholastic chess.

Starting a Scholastic Chess Club

A guide to starting a scholastic chess club on limited resources.

USCF Scholastic Chess

The United States Chess Federation's section on scholastic chess includes links and resources for young chess players in the US.

Your First Time at a Scholastic Chess Tournament

Going to a chess tournament should be fun, but it can also be a confusing experience for parents and children alike. Learn what you need to know before going to your first tournament.

Scholastic Chess Tournaments

Thinking about signing up a child for a scholastic chess tournament? Here's a look at how these events are run.

Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship

Learn about one of the most important events for college chess in the Americans.

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