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Dr. Siggy
Member since Nov-11-06 · Last seen Apr-03-13
I'm 44 years old, and I'm a Portuguese lawyer. I became acquainted with the game of chess when I was a child, but I learned how to play it when I was already a law student. By then, my father offered me a copy of the (not very good) French translation of Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch's "The Game of Chess". Before that, I read many, too many books and articles on the subject, without any pleasure or profit. After the careful study I did of this specific book, I ventured to play my first official tournament: it was a good enough one, and I did so well I got immediately over 1600 (portuguese) ELO! In spite of that, I never took Chess very seriously: while I was a student I seldom played official games, and after my graduation I virtually had to stop. Since my personal and professional life stabilized in the meantime, I decided to try it again a couple of years ago. For that purpose, I studied once more "The Game of Chess", never dreaming of what was really going to happen. February 2004, I played my very first international "Open": five sessions with forty players, of which twenty-six with (high) ELO FIDE, two with FM titles and three with IM titles. Having just 1913 (national) ELO and looking at so strong a competition, I estimated the best I'd get would be something around 1,5 points. Surprise! I finished 7th (3rd "ex aequo"), with 3,5 points (+3=1−1) (1,5 points against three international ranked players, of which one with IM and another with FM titles) and a performance of 2293 (!) (the second best in the tournament) which earned me the right to get my first ever ELO FIDE. The next player like me finished only 22nd, with 2 points. I left behind one player with a FM title and twenty players with ELO FIDE. I was flabbergasted: how could a simple amateur obtain such a good result?! The answer was: Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch's "The Game of Chess" - the true "Chess Bible", the culminating point of the literary production of the greatest chess teacher of all times (and my favorite player), the "Praeceptor Germaniae seu Mundi", as he is known even today...
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   Dr. Siggy has kibitzed 327 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Nov-30-12 Ruy Lopez, Open (C83)
Dr. Siggy: A demonstration of how to play against the Breslau variation of the Ruy Lopez, with a very beautiful finish: NN vs Tarrasch, 1915 .
   Aug-30-12 Tarrasch vs Schlechter, 1911
Dr. Siggy: <master of defence>: After 15...exf4 16. Qxf4, Black's castling becomes too vulnerable, namely at f7 and h7. For instance: (1) 16...Qd7 17. Qh5 h6 18. Nxf7; (2) 16... Qd5 17. b4 Bb6 18. Bxb6 cxb6 19. N or Qxf7; (3) 16...Qf6 17. Qxf6 gxf6 18. Ne4 Kg7 19. Rf3 followed by Raf1.
   Apr-20-12 Alekhine vs E Andersen, 1933
Dr. Siggy: Here's the position after 21... Nxc8: [DIAGRAM] From Reuben Fine, "Basic Chess Endings", New York 1941, pages 111-2: "Unlike a Bishop a Knight is at home in any Pawn structure, so that advantages of this type must be utilized immediately or they will dissipate into thin air. The ...
   Apr-09-12 Spassky vs Chandler, 1987
Dr. Siggy: After 11... Nd5, it would be interesting to know why Spassky didn't play the very promising exchange sacrifice 12. Nxd5 exd5 13. Bxd5 Bh3 14. exd6! Bxf1 15. Kxf1! which would have left Chandler in serious trouble...
   Apr-07-12 Lilienthal vs Botvinnik, 1944
Dr. Siggy: A closer examination of this game reveals that, from the very start, Botvinnik was completely outplayed by Lilienthal. What is more, after 39. Rc3 Botvinnik's position was as good as lost. The only reason why Lilienthal answered 39... e4 with the lamentable 40. fxe4 (instead of ...
   Apr-07-12 Lilienthal vs Botvinnik, 1944
Dr. Siggy: I wonder which game Polugaevsky was thinking about when he wrote the lines quoted above by <wordfunph>. A closer examination of this game reveals that, from the very start, Botvinnik was completely outplayed by Lilienthal. What is more, after 39. Rc3 Botvinnik's position was
   Apr-01-12 Paulsen vs Tarrasch, 1888 (replies)
Dr. Siggy: <bystander>: After 19. Kg2, Black would play 19... Qa6 and double his Rooks on the c-file with a strategically won game. Instead of 28... h6, Tarrasch himself would later recommend 28... Ra2, winning the a-pawn without danger as White's Rook couldn't break in along either ...
   Mar-31-12 Ljubojevic vs Portisch, 1982
Dr. Siggy: Here's the position after White's 96th move: [DIAGRAM] Portisch draws this <R + B vs R ...
   Mar-16-12 Piket vs J L Arnason, 1990
Dr. Siggy: What a pity!... Piket emerges from a rather difficult opening with a very well earned advantage just to throw it away at the beginning of the middle game with 22. fxe6? fxe6 23. c5? (instead of increasing it with the beautiful 22. Nxe6! fxe6 23. f6!) and 26. Qh3?? (instead of ...
   Mar-06-12 Verlinsky vs Lasker, 1925 (replies)
Dr. Siggy: Bogoljubov's note to Black's 6th move is mistaken. The "remarkable novelty" Nb8-a6-b4 was conceived and introduced in practice by Georges Maréchal.
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