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A Leaky Spacewalk on This Week @NASA

13,653 views 5 days ago
A spacewalk on July 16 that was supposed to be about a six-and-a-half hour affair for Chris Cassidy and Luca Parmitano ended -- just an hour-32 minutes in, after Luca's helmet began to fill with water. Parmitano's OK and a re-do of the spacewalk, to prep the ISS for a new Russian module, is being evaluated. Also, Spacewalk Show and Tell, Future Space 2013, Neptune's New Moon, A Fit Hangout, Virtual Aviation Solutions, Tech, Up There and more!
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A spacewalk on July 16 that was supposed to be about a six-and-a-half hour affair for Chris Cassidy and Luca Parmitano ended -- just an hour-32 minutes in, after Luca's helmet began to fill with water. Parmitano's OK and a re-do of the spacewalk, to prep the ISS for a new Russian module, is being evaluated. Also, Spacewalk Show and Tell, Future Space 2013, Neptune's New Moon, A Fit Hangout, Virtual Aviation Solutions, Tech, Up There and more! Show less
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