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Università Bocconi

Bruno Pavesi Chief Executive Officer, Università Bocconi

301 views 1 week ago
Università Bocconi

The Resilience of Family Capitalism to vSustain Long-Term Growth
The Centenary Experience of the Agnelli Fam

The Resilience of Family Capitalism to vSustain Long-Term Growth
The Centenary Experience of the Agnelli Family

Family capitalism is uniquely resilient. After a decade of insider-trading scandals, manifest corruption and malfeasance rampant among corporate officers, and the
collapse of a series of financial bubbles, the family firm still appears to offer the prospect of long-term stability.
The extraordinary performance achieved by family firms has been possible thanks to patient and conscious capital they are able to mobilize over time, also during the
periods of economic downturns. Moreover, such firms appear to get an undoubtable capacity of managing risks and gaining social legitimacy.

However, family capitalism is definitely not exempt from fragilities. For instance, growth performance still remains a challenge for many families in business given their owners' desire to retain control, particularly when scale is
required to stay competitive in a global world.
The recent history of the Agnelli family has much to offer to exemplify family capitalism resilience and renaissance capabilities. From the experience of John Elkann, we will learn the importance of family capitalism and how to secure multiple performance over the long-term, rather than exceptional returns immediately
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Università Bocconi

The Resilience of Family Capitalism to vSustain Long-Term Growth
The Centenary Experience of the Agnelli Fam

The Resilience of Family Capitalism to vSustain Long-Term Growth
The Centenary Experience of the Agnelli Family

Family capitalism is uniquely resilient. After a decade of insider-trading scandals, manifest corruption and malfeasance rampant among corporate officers, and the
collapse of a series of financial bubbles, the family firm still appears to offer the prospect of long-term stability.
The extraordinary performance achieved by family firms has been possible thanks to patient and conscious capital they are able to mobilize over time, also during the
periods of economic downturns. Moreover, such firms appear to get an undoubtable capacity of managing risks and gaining social legitimacy.

However, family capitalism is definitely not exempt from fragilities. For instance, growth performance still remains a challenge for many families in business given their owners' desire to retain control, particularly when scale is
required to stay competitive in a global world.
The recent history of the Agnelli family has much to offer to exemplify family capitalism resilience and renaissance capabilities. From the experience of John Elkann, we will learn the importance of family capitalism and how to secure multiple performance over the long-term, rather than exceptional returns immediately Show less
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