
Cookie Clicker Cheats

By Daniel Jochem Last update Nov 2, 2013 — Installed 0 times.

Partially Working

Subscribe to Partially Working 44 posts, 5 voices

Xan151 User

Tried the script and it mostly works. Using the latest Firefox, the autoclick for the cookie, golden cookie, the spawning of golden cookies (both auto and manual) and autowin function work flawlessly.
The sound option i never tried, but i honestly don't care much about it.

My issue is with the buy products and buy upgrade functions, they don't work, unless you hit the autowin button, but the standalone functions don't work at all.
Is there something else that needs to be done?

CrashCat User

Yeah, I am getting the same thing. Autowin button seems to do everything (including cheat the golden cookies) but without that the buy buttons don't seem to do anything.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

Yes, I am soooo sorry about this, I deleted the code that allowed these features to work. I'll explain, there used to be buy products and autobuy products, buy upgrades and autobuy upgrades features, I deleted the autobuy products and autobuy upgrades features because they weren't needed anymore and both the buy upgrades and buy products relied on that code to run, I have since added an Autobuy buildings feature that takes over the buy products purpose and am debating whether or not to add the same for upgrades. Please don't fret as I have deleted those buttons in my latest update and the Autobuy buildings feature has been implemented,

My sincere apology,

Xan151 User

The user there was able to fix the golden cookie click bug, maybe you can take his solution in?

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

I have talked to this user, the only reason it was fixed in his script is because he doesnt have a "fake" golden cookie spawner, so the server is sending him out a golden cookie and he has an automatic golden cookie clciker to click that golden cookie. Mine is doing the double or sometimes triple because of the spawning of the Golden Cookies.

Xan151 User

Shame, but it was worth a try.

Bug in the current version: the “On/Off” function for the buildings doesn’t seem to work.
That is, one cannot turn it off, even in off setting, the script is still buying that item until the quota is reached.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

Yes, I have discovered that bug as well, if you click the off button around 3-5 times then it actually turns off, it seems to be failing to turn off because its started the loop again, if you click fast enough the request to turn off gets received before the loop restarts, so if you click it 5 times, it will turn off.

CrashCat User

The September 28th version seems to be causing the page to not load properly in Firefox. Last version from a few days earlier when you updated it before still seems to work though.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

Ok, thanks for that, i'll look into it!

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

ok, looks like the cookieShine loads before the main page load on Firefox, I wasn't seeing this on Chrome (what i usually test on) because on Chrome, cookieShine was loading in the main load of the page, it should be fixed in version 1.3.6 as particle0 loads in the main load in both Chrome and Firefox.

Xan151 User

In the current version, the “More Cheats” menu is empty, doesn’t show up.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

It works for me... on both my iMac and my Windows 7 machine... What OS and Browser (version and script handler (greasemonkey or tampermonkey, or Scripttish or something else) are you using? I'll try recreate what you are seeing.

Xan151 User

Still Windows 7 x64 with Firefox and Greasemonkey.
Funny thing though, on the Beta it still works.
Also the golden cookie bug still seems to be there.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

WHAT THE HELL! I fixed the Golden Cookie thing yesterday! i know for sure! grr... try uninstalling the script and reinstalling it for the "More Cheats" bug whilst I go AWOL on this GC bug...

Xan151 User

Thing is, it seems to be kinda random, after reloading a few times, the “More Cheats” menu appeared and the golden cookie bug was gone too, then after another reload, the bug was back…

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

I have my suspicion... it works every time for me but I think it might be to do with the timing of the script execution. I have several things going off at different times, maybe my math is wrong on one of them. Also the GC bug is fixed :/ the timing was out on that haha thats why I think this more cheats bug has to do with timing as well. Please tell me if both bugs are fixed now, or what ones still exist. I might have fixed the more cheats bug whilst fixing up the GC bug.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

ok, I have confirmed the More Cheats bug is NOT fixed. It seems to be a problem with Firefox again, as it is not happening on Chrome, only Firefox 40% of the time

Xan151 User

After some testing, the GC bug didn’t appear anymore, maybe it was just a glitch in the browser.
The menu appears after reloading and stays there now, so it essentially works.
One question: is it possible to expand the little box that shows all the autobuy options?
You know where you can turn them all on and off.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

Do you mean the box where the drop down menu shows the buildings? if so, why do you want it expanded?

Xan151 User

I guess it’s just a pet peeve of mine, i like to have everything on screen.

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

I see what you mean.. The thing is everyone's screens are different, I have a iMac 27" so I see a lot more space than you. BTW, what IS your screen size, I'm testing on my iMac 27" and my old 14" laptop, the 14" is bigger than yours even... I can quite easily change the size that the Autobuy list fills up, but like I said, some peoples will be still spacious. I have an idea though... If I make the box the size of fitting one of every building in it, so have it hold 10 in the list, then do you think that would be big enough for you? :)

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

DONE! :) all you have to do is refresh the Cookie Clicker page, you don't even need to install a new version of the script :) enjoy!

Xan151 User

Geez, what monster size screens do you all have?
I have an LG Flatron W2443T, no idea what the specs are but a quick Google search can tell you that.
Also the browser is not filling out the entire screen as i need to have other windows open as well next to it.

No idea how you managed to do that, but good work, that’s how i imagined it. ^^

Daniel Jochem Script's Author

Hmm... you must have a bad resolution, because thats a 24" screen (I used to have one). or it might be that, because you have multiple things on the screen at once, that your browser window size is around half the screen (11-13" worth) so it only shows in that size :) trust me, it looks way better in full screen :P This is on my iMac 27" :)

Xan151 User

The resolution is 1920x1080, also as i said i have other things running as well, in fullscreen the browser would make it too much of a hazzle to work.