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IMDbTV Picks For Thursday

The Vampire Diaries Grey's Anatomy Glee Scandal

"The Big Bang Theory" Sheldon is upset that the gang is doing Thanksgiving at Mrs. Wolowitz’s house, Penny and Leonard confront a mistake from her past. (CBS, 8pm - new)

"The Vampire Diaries" Elena and Caroline decide to throw a big party, and Damon finds a way to get Wes to answer his questions. (The CW, 8pm - new)

"Grey's Anatomy" Ben worries that a casual conversation with Derek could potentially cause issues for Bailey, and Cristina turns to Shane as tension grows between her and Meredith. (ABC, 9pm - new)

"The Returned" Though settling into her new identity, Camille is thrown when a strange occurrence leads Lena to publicly denounce her sister. Meanwhile, Adele uncovers long-buried truths. (Sundance Channel, 9pm - U.S. Premiere)

"Glee" As graduation nears, the seniors make plans for their futures as the club pays tribute to Bill Joel. (Fox, 9pm - new)

"Scandal" Olivia and the team contend with both uncovering the truth behind Operation Remington and managing a potential crisis within the Josie Marcus campaign. (ABC, 10pm - new)

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As if one of Ra’s al Ghul best trainees isn’t enough of a handful, it looks like another powerful female is headed to Starling City. EW has confirmed that Spartacus alum Katrina Law will be joining the Arrow cast as Nyssa al Ghul, yet another member of the League of See more »


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