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New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade.
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Trade and economic analysis


Economic research and analysis

Trade in goods and services lies at the core of New Zealand’s interactions with other countries. New Zealand’s small size and distance from major world markets exacerbates the challenges of breaking into and competing in global markets. These challenges include developing innovative products, finding market niches and distribution channels and understanding local market conditions. Closely related to this is the need to ensure that New Zealand officials domestically and our representatives abroad are well informed on international and domestic economic matters through the provision of policy-relevant, detailed and analytically robust pieces of analysis.

In this context, the trade and economic analysis done by the Economic Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on trade and other international economic issues has three inter-related objectives:

The Economic division is also:

It is also responsible for a range of trade and economic issues:


Recently conducted research


Trade statistics

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Page last updated: Friday, 14 March 2014 17:14 NZDT