
The Difference Between Money and Currency simply explained part 1

OriginDestiny OriginDestiny·36 videos

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Published on May 23, 2013

The real difference between money and currency. Simply and easily explained. Most people think they have money in the bank. They have currency. Money is a store of value that also has intrinsic value even if it were not used as money. Silver is ONE such thing. Currency does not have any intrinsic value of its own and is actually debt based which is why it is called fiat money. Fiat means fake. We are in a world where you must currently use fiat currency unless you barter - but MONEY will always grow in relation to fiat currency which will always go down in relation to real money. You can trade real MONEY for any fiat currency anywere in the world - yet you can not trade any fiat currency for real money anywhere in the world. This is why in every city all over the world there are shops that say "buy silver or gold for cash". They have the amount of currency to live in the world but they store their wealth in money such as silver and gold.

That's as simple as I can explain it.

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