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Polyamory: The practice of carrying on simultaneous relationships with more than one partner. Polyamory is not cheating, and it doesn't (necessarily) mean group sex, or casual promiscuous sex, or even any sex at all...

This page was generated in response to a vanilla-not reader who was searching for more on poly relationships in D/s and BDSM.

To those who are interested in dedicating themselves to one partner in their life journey, the concept of "poly" (more than one) often may be a disturbing one. How we chose to relate to one another, is a core value. Such a value is formed in upbringing, family background, faith and religious training, our sense of self, our needs and desires and the plans to get them met. It is so central it is often our very belief of "what is right" or "what is wrong". It isn't uncommon for folks with monogamy as a core value, to feel threatened or even disgusted with any other model of relating.

It might be an interesting Twilight Zone episode to find a monogamous couple awakening up one day and facing a planet that was polyamorous, looking a the singularly focused pair as disgusting, selfish, promoting evil jealousy and perhaps not even permitting them access to social events, activities, political process, or even worship places because of their individual choice.I offer such a scenario not in the interest of promoting or defending polyamory, but to point out that people who embrace an alternative lifestyle, should recognize the rights of others to expand and explore.

Quality poly relationships have to be hard work. Adding in the control aspects of Domination and submission and an incredible level of trust needs to be established and ultimately savored. Honesty within each person as well as clear communication with one another isn't an option in such environments. Those who have trouble being up front with themselves and others will, no doubt, have much more struggle in a poly situation. Conversely those who embark on such a journey may well discover increased self awareness, self control and communication of honest feelings with others in their "family of choice".

Since my earliest days in public scene I have had a "gathering" of people travel with me to events or learning at my feet. Inevitably, regardless of the level of intimacy I may have shared with these people (often they hung with us just for safety as they traveled a new realm of Lifestyle), the group would be referred to as my "Harem". I'll admit I did little to dissuade these notions, but the backlash and comments that were made just out of my earshot were often not pretty.

Even now, those who read our bios, often make the assumption there is some sort of "love- fest" that is going on in side our group. We travel together, share common beliefs and values in lifestyle, and are opening to sharing those with others who are sincere in learning. Our personal situation is far from a Hippy Commune or free for all love-fest.

None of us actively endorse or encourage poly nor do we judge anyone for embracing monogamy. But stands for honest open discussion and learning in al that leads to safe and healthy D/s Lifestyle. Poly situations from simple casual play partners to Leather Clans or romantic families all delve into some level of poly exploration. My biggest concern is for the single person out there looking at the D/s lifestyle as one big shopping mall for the perfect submissive or Master GoodBar. Building skills, learning from others, and being involved in community are important places for personal growth. Personal growth only makes us better material as a partner no matter the sort of relationship in which we eventually find ourselves.

If monogamy is your core value, hang on to it. My most fervent wish is for you to find or keep an ideal partner even a life long one if you are so inclined. But read some of these links with an open mind, if only to better understand others who are traveling along the same or similar D/s path as you. You may just discover that issues of managing jealousy or feelings of inadequacy or building trust or better communication, are not so different in the poly model as your own. Borrow as many tools and techniques as you need. Feel confident that whatever your core values... you can make good choices for yourself and still be supportive to your sisters and brethren along the journey.

-Sir Malo 08.08.02

Poly & D/s - Poly & BDSM
Leather & Roses discussion 08.20.00
| D/s Triads (A Yahoo Group) |

Poly Terms and Definitions pages
Polyamory Language page (terms defined) |
Lovestyles (Terms defined | Xero Mag: poly defined | Polyfidelity

Poly: Major Resource Links polyamory | | Howard Landman's Polyamory Index | Polyamory | Human Awareness Institute

Poly: Personal Pages
Catya's polyamory page | Stef's Polyamory page |Evolutionary Tendencies | Poly Families

Poly: Magazines & Additional Resources
Loving More | The Polyamory Society | An Unconditional Love |Poly Friendly Professionals |Poly in the UK | Alternatives to Marriage

Poly n or adj 1 : many or several 2 : Short for Polyamorous 3: The relationship orientation of people who love and want to be intimate with more than one person at a time  4: A relationship that is non-monogamous relationship  5: A person that is either in or at least interested in a multipartnered relationship and family

Polyactivist n : a person interested in taking action intended to counteract the political, social and religious enforcement of monogamy; Polyactivists help promote greater awareness of Polyamory as a legitimate relationship choice; polyactivism n

Polyamorous n 1 : practicing polyamory 2 : of or characterized by polyamory

Polyamory n : is the nonpossessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously.  Polyamory emphasizes consciously choosing how many partners one wishes to be involved with rather than accepting social norms which dictate loving only one person at a time.  Polyamory is an umbrella term which integrates traditional multipartner relationship terms with more evolved egalitarian terms.  Polyamory embraces sexual equality and all sexual orientations towards an expanded circle of spousal intimacy and love.  Polyamory is from the root words Poly meaning many and Amour meaning love hence "many loves" or Polyamory

Polyandrous n 1 : practicing polyandry 2 : of, engaging in or characterized by polyandry

Polyandry n 1 : the state or practice of having two or more husbands at the same time 2 : the mating of one female animal with more that one male; polyandric adj; polyandrist n

Polyerocist n : a person who practices or prefers sex with multiple partners

Polyeros n : a lifestyle or relationship in which sexual partners agree that they may take additional sexual partners

PolyFamily n 1 :  all the people living in or sharing life experences in the same home or household  2 : a social unit consisting of multiple adult models 3 : when polychildren are present the term includes others adults, besides blood or birth parents, who are responsibly involved with the polychild or polychildren, most adult take an active role in polychild rearing  4 : a group of people related by common commune, tribe, clan, lineage, ancestry, relatives, commitment or marriage 5 : a sharing of living expenses and property

PolyFriend n 1 : a person whom one knows well and is fond of polyamorous people 2 : intimate associate or close acquaintance of a person of an polyamorous orientation

n 1 : an ally of people of a polyamorous orientation 2 : amicable 3 : supporting, helping or favorable 4 : showing friendly feelings polyamorous people or unions 5 : ready to be a friends to polyamorous people or unions

Polyfidelitous adj 1 : practicing polyfidelity 2 : of, engaging in or characterized by polyfidelity

Polyfidelity n : a group in which all partners are primary to all other partners and sexual fidelity is to the group; shared intent of a lifelong run together. More primary partners can be added with everyone's consent.  The term was coined by the Kerista commune

Polygamous adj 1 : practicing polygamy 2 : of, engaging in or characterized by polygamy

Polygamy n : the practice of having more than one wife or husband at one time; polygamist n; polygamous adj

Polygynous adj 1 : practicing polygyny 2 : of, engaging in or characterized by polygyny

Polygyny n 1 : the state or practice of having two or more wives at the same time 2 : the mating of a male animal with more than one female

PolyLove n 1 : strong affection or attraction to more than one person 2 : the strong belief that human beings are capable of having love and affection for more than one person at a time 3 : warm attachment and joyful feeling in presence of your beloveds 4 : attraction based on sexual desire multiple partners 5 :  intimate fantasies and dreams about multiple partners 6 : beloved people 7 : unselfish loyalty, benevolence and concern for others 8 : to feel a passion, devotion, or tenderness for multiple partners or loveones 9 : to take pleasure in being with many

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