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Hear from Tampa Bay Times
Editor, Neil Brown. Click Here


The scholarships are worth up to $3,500 for returning full-time undergraduates and up to $1,500 for returning fulltime graduate students. (Applications will be made available to interns during their summer experience at the Times.)

 The Peggy Peterman Scholarship targets minority students in journalism. It is worth $5,000 and includes a paid internship at the Times. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate or graduate minority students who are committed to careers in journalism, with at least one newspaper or news website internship or equivalent professonal experience. Deadline to apply is Nov. 1. Indicate in your application that you are applying for the Peterman Scholarship/News Internship.

Who should apply?

Sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students interested in careers in media especially, news/information. Applicants should have experience at a college publication and at least one professional internship. Applicants also should have access to reliable transportation for the summer.

How do I apply?

Send a cover letter and resume with links to your website (or links to 5 clips that show the range of your work) to In the subject line of the email, please indicate the job for which you are applying.

Students hired for Times internships are eligible to apply for Intern Scholarships offered through the Tampa Bay Times Fund.


for NEWSROOM internships including News photo internships. See "Job Descriptions" for details.

for internships in Marketing, Advertising and Web Development. 

Contact: Roy LeBlanc, Newsroom, 727-893-8925 or