Trump, president of Mexico have 'open and constructive' meeting - KUSI News - San Diego, CA

Trump, president of Mexico have 'open and constructive' meeting

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MEXICO CITY (KUSI) — Donald Trump arrived in Mexico Wednesday to meet with the country’s president, the same day he is expected to give a speech in Arizona on illegal immigration.

Trump accepted an invitation to visit with Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto via twitter Tuesday:

He touched down in Mexico City Wednesday morning.

The last minute trip is putting an even bigger spotlight on positions that have helped define Trump's run for the White House, and have been sharply criticized by Mexico's president.

But Wednesday, the two men painted a somewhat unexpected picture.

Trump is calling his visit to Mexico City a "great honor," and he said the nations share a common interest in keeping the hemisphere safe and prosperous.

Trump said after meeting with President Enrique Pena Nieto, that the pair had a direct and constructive exchange of ideas at the president's official residence in Mexico City.

Trump praised the Mexican people and called the president a friend.

He also said having a secure border is "a sovereign right and mutually beneficial."

"We recognize and respect the right of either country to build a physical barrier or wall on any of it's borders to stop the illegal movement of people, drugs, and weapons. Cooperation toward achieving the shared objective, and it will be shared, of safety for all citizens is paramount to the United States and to Mexico."

While calling the conversation constructive, President Pena Nieto made it clear his priority is to protect Mexicans everywhere, including in the United States.

" They are people of goodwill that respect family, they respect life in the community, and they are respective of the law. As such, Mexicans deserve everybody's respect," he said.

In addition to securing the border, and safety, the two also discussed reviewing NAFTA, keeping manufacturing in the Northern Hemisphere and putting an end to illegal immigration.

And in response to conflicting messages, President Pena Nieto said Mexico would not pay for the wall, but went on to have a constructive conversation.

Trump, on the other hand, said during the news conference that payment of the wall wasn't discussed.

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