Birth Control Videos
July 15, 2016

AFP (May 3, 2016) — Romania is home to the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe. Fifteen percent of children in Romania are born to teenage mothers, many of whom are forced to drop out of school. Campaigners are calling on the government to introduce sex education in schools, saying it would not just reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, but also protect the girls against sexually transmitted diseases. Video provided by AFP ... watch video

Newsy (Mar. 30, 2016) — Women seeking an abortion will now be able to use Mifeprex up to 10 weeks into their pregnancy. Video provided by Newsy ... watch video

AP (Dec. 8, 2014) — Sexual assaults on men in the U.S. military happens more often than people might think. But in the hyper-masculine military culture, victims often don't feel comfortable reaching out for help or reporting a sexual assault. (Dec. 8) Video provided by AP ... watch video

Deutsche Welle (Oct. 13, 2013) — Just pop a pill and you're suddenly at the top of your game - that's a dream fueled by the widespread global abuse of drugs that claim to enhance mental performance.Klaus Lieb, director of the clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy at the University of Mainz, has found that around 20 percent of students and surgeons in Germany have experimented with so-called brain doping. But do these pills really help? And what about their side effects? For a study, Lieb made 40 chess players face off against a computer - with the help of ritalin, modafilin and a placebo. ... watch video

France 24 (Feb. 3, 2013) — France's health authorities have decided that a higher risk of blood clots, strokes and thrombosis in the latest versions of birth control pills pose an unacceptable danger to women's health. As a result, the government has changed its prescription guidelines for oral contraceptives. The decision could affect 2.5 million women in France and many more overseas, should other countries follow suit. ... watch video