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Yesterday's Last Caller Melted My Heart

RUSH: This is so heartwarming. Near the end of the program yesterday, I think it was in the last half hour, a woman called who said that she wanted to thank me for helping her to understand Donald Trump.  She'd hated Trump. She despised Trump, the usual stuff.  The media portrays him as a bombastic ogre, and she had bought it. Interestingly, her husband is a military veteran.  She said that he was kind of anti-Trump, too, which was curious, but that her 14-year-old son had convinced her to listen to me, which she did. So she called here to thank me and to thank all of us for helping to change her mind about Donald Trump. 

The Silence of the Never Trumpers

RUSH:  What do you think no reaction to it means?  Well, that's one way that it hit home, that it hit home so that people don't want to react to it, just ignore it when somebody hits you with legitimate criticism, ignore it, don't amplify it, don't respond to it.  And then the other school of thought is that it was so off the wall that nobody took it seriously. 

Hillary's Earpiece? I'm Not Sure

RUSH: The question is, are people getting this right?  I'm not yet sure.  I've seen all the tweets.  James Woods, the actor, has been huge in tweeting out the idea that she's using an earpiece.  His tweets have been retweeted and they're reverberating and a lot of other people have. There are pictures of Hillary and what looks like some pearl, an elongated pearl thing in her left ear that people claim might be an earpiece. And then that Huma email that you found asking Hillary, "Do you have your earpiece, or do you need me to get it for you?" and so forth.  I'm still out to school on this.  I'm not sure.

Libertarians: Gary Johnson Is a Fraud

RUSH: They're just in there as spoilers, and that's why they're treated with such curiosity, respect and acclaim and so forth because third parties are generally known to harm the Republican candidate's presidential quest. 

Comey Took Hit for Obama and Lynch

RUSH: He takes all of it off Lynch, all of it off Obama, all of it off the DOJ. And gives all these Hillary acolytes a free rein to say, "Hey, look, the FBI," and, as you say, they're highly respected, "the FBI said there's nothing there, nothing there."  You're exactly, exactly right.

Obama: Americans Are Lazy

RUSH: We're the most generous freaking nation in the world, for crying out loud!  But, in his view, we don't care, we're too big, we're lazy, we haven't taken the time to learn about all the superior government systems around the world like communism and Islamism and socialism.

Bill Clinton: "Make America Great Again" Is a Racist Slogan

RUSH: He's out there actually trying to say that "Make America Great" is really a bunch of white Southerners who want to go back to the days where they ran the show and the minorities were back there invisible and unseen and not causing any trouble.  And Clinton knows that's what "Make America Great" means.  No.  "Make America Great Again" means rescuing it from the destruction wrought by people like Obama and the Democrats who have been running this country into the ground for who knows how many years.  

Trump Vows to Rebuild the Military

RUSH: Trump is speaking in Philadelphia today on military matters.  He's doing quite well.  I want to join a little bit of this in progress just to give you a flavor for how Trump is sounding today.  Looking great, too...  Getting a lot of applause here, announcing military reforms and upgrades.  It's a really good speech... I'm not hearing Trump cough, either. No coughs so far, not a one during this speech.

The Shaming of the Never Trumpers

RUSH: He's using the name of a famous Roman, Publius Decius Mus, seeking to be anonymous here. This piece is a shaming of the conservative intellectuals that comprise the Never Trump movement. It is shot between the eyes of conservative intellectuals who say that Trump is beneath them. They can't stomach Trump. They can't possibly vote for Trump. It would be distastefully, personally unacceptable and so forth.  And the reason this piece appeals to me is because it validates so many of the instincts that I have had over the years.

Callers Weigh in on "The Flight 93 Election"

CALLER:  We need to start naming Never Trumpers' names one by one and I'm gonna get you started right now.  Trump won the Arizona primary with almost twice as many votes as Cruz and Kasich combined.  We got a Senator out there from Arizona that's appearing on the Sunday shows, actively and clearly stating his opposition to Trump.  We need to hold these people accountable name by name.  You can't say the Never Trumpers like that article that you're reading says.  It's name by name.  We have got to hold them accountable.  And, if we do get a President Hillary and all the disasters that come with it, Senator Flake and all those other names I hope other people start naming name by name.

Joe to Hillary: Show Your Heart

RUSH: Joe Biden just gave Hillary some advice.  He said that Hillary should let voters see her heart.  She's been on the public stage only 30 years; what do you mean, let voters see her heart?  And who says they don't think that she's in trouble? 

A New Listener Converts to Trump

CALLER: I really hated Trump, and I thought he was a pompous jerk and everything -- and with our two horrible choices, I just wasn't gonna vote.  But now that I understand the issues better listening to you and hearing all the the truth about it, now I understand better and so I just wanted to thank you and so now I'm definitely a Trump supporter.

This Is Why You Don't See Hillary Much

RUSH: Did you see the two episodes of Hillary coughing in Cleveland? One at the plane and one at the appearance in Cleveland.  People are joking about this.  Obviously a presidential campaign and people are having fun with it.  But something's not right here.  There's something that's potentially really, really wrong.  In fact, I'm gonna tell you something, after I watched the videotape of Clinton in Cleveland, I actually started asking myself, "Who on her staff allowed that to continue?  Who put her out there?" 

While I Was Away: A Review

RUSH: Let's review some of it things that happened just while I was gone.  I think to put this in context might be a wise thing to do.  We supposedly have the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer where everybody takes off and it's a two-or-three month period of relaxation and vacation and whatever.  That's not at all what we have just completed here. 

Schlafly Was the Mother of Conservatism

originalRUSH: Phyllis Schlafly was tough.  Phyllis Schlafly was demanding.  When it came to the principles of conservatism, she harbored no infiltrators.  She harbored nobody insincere about it, and she was able to identify those who were trying to capitalize on it but were not sincere about it. She could spot them a mile away. 

The Most Important Things Found in Friday's FBI Hillary Document Dump

RUSH: Folks, we are a segregated media.  We are a segregated country and we have a segregated media.  We have the conservative media, the New Media, whatever, and we have the Drive-Bys, the old mainstream media, and they're still the big ones.  They are still the majority media. And, in fact, the existence, starting in 1988, of this New Media, of the conservative media I think has hardened the Drive-By and mainstream media.  I think it's made them even more biased and more openly biased and more openly confrontational and more openly supportive than they ever have been before. 

Who Does This Sound Like?

RUSH:  So I checked the email during the break.  It's typical.  This guy says, "So what's the big deal what Clinton said back in 1995?  Clinton says the same thing on immigration in '95 as Trump, so what, Rush?"  I'll tell you so what.  He got a standing ovation for it in 1995.  How many years ago is that?  Twenty-two?  Twenty-two years ago. The American people were so fed up with illegal immigration that the president of the United States was echoing their sentiments.  We had to start mass deportation. We had to stop welfare benefits. We had to secure the border.  And it was roundly supported and applauded. Nothing happened. 

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