Rosario Marín On Univision: Trump Hurts Survivors Of Sexual Assault With His Attacks On His Accusers

Former Bush Treasury Secretary Condemns Trump's Attacks On His Accusers


From the October 23 edition of Univision's Al Punto:

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Translated transcript:

FÉLIX DE BEDOUT (GUEST HOST): Rosario, I want to go to a personal level. In the show that we did the day of the last presidential debate, you said that this issue of the video of Mr. Trump on the bus and of the accusations against him for supposed sexual harassment touched you personally. Can you tell us why it was so, if you may, difficult for you to confront this?

ROSARIO MARÍN: Well, look, because, first of all -- this is something very personal to me because I was a victim of sexual abuse when I was a girl. And one is quiet about this for a very long time. I understand all of the women who have been victims of sexual abuse or sexual harassment. In the end, it's all the same. It's sexual abuse. And that this man refuses to accept responsibility is completely -- it goes with what all rapists or people who sexually harass women do automatically. "Oh, I didn't do it." Well, he made a spectacle with the women who accused President Bill Clinton, because [according to him] they deserve to be heard. But there are now ten women who have accused him and he says that it isn't true. He is the typical -- he is acting in the way that the typical sexual abuser acts. A typical sexual harasser. And all of the women who have been victims of this, we feel -- it is repugnant. It is an automatic repulsion towards this man.

DE BEDOUT: Rosario, when you hear what they say about why they mention it now, why didn't they say it in that moment, you understand them?

MARÍN: Definitely. Because no one wants -- no one wants to make themselves the victim even though they might be. You don't want to show that. You don't want -- you don't want in anyway to reaffirm that you were a victim. You don't want to accept it nor do you want what comes along with this. The shame. And exactly what they are doing, that they tell you that you are a liar, that they tell you it's not true, that you are making it up. Even more, that you might be doing it for fame. My God, no woman wants to go out there and say, "This happened to me." And this man, doing this in such a mocking way. Look, I find it so repulsive. It affects me personally.


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Posted In
Gender, Elections
Donald Trump
Al Punto
Sexual assault, Trump Sexual Assault Allegations, 2016 Elections
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