Rush Limbaugh: Republicans "Are Going To Join Forces With Democrats After Trump Loses ... To Take Out Conservative Media"


From the October 24 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): What's taught is all this counter-American stuff that is very seductive to young people because it's rooted in class envy and equality and all of these other things that they have been made to believe are paramountly important when they're nothing but ruses and tricks designed to get people to actually turn against the things that make something distinctively American. So in this mix we have the Republican Party, which ceased being an opposition -- look at what the Republican Party was given in 2010, and look at what it was given in 2012, and look at what it has. What did it do with those two landslide midterm elections that gave it the House, then gave it the Senate? Prior to that, the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, 1994, I was made an honorary member of the freshman class that year because those people thought that I had something to do with it. For the first time the house had been -- it was in Republican control for 40 years. And Newt Gingrich is a speaker out there with his Contract With America. All kinds of reasons why it happened, and of the reasons it happened -- substance. The Contract With America was -- and the Democrats were so enmeshed in scandal. There was the House bank scandal, there was the House post office scandle that daresay would not have ever been known were it not for conservative media. 

So now here we are in 2016 and the Republicans could not nominate whoever they wanted to nominate, so it's got to be somebody's fault besides theirs, and guess whose it is? And I'm -- if what I'm reading is right, they're going to join forces with the Democrats after Trump loses in this landslide, and they're going to join forces to do everything they can to take out conservative media because that's the problem. Conservative media is why Republicans can't win diddly -- if you believe it -- but that's what they're out there trying to set up even now. They have been given victory after victory after -- electoral victory after electoral victory -- and they don't have very much to show for it. They can't even get one of their own people nominated in terms of how they look at it, and who's to blame? Certainly not them. Oh no. They sound just like Obama when he goes out after conservative media.


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Posted In
Premiere Radio Networks
Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump
The Rush Limbaugh Show
2016 Elections
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