Laura Ingraham: If Trump Loses By A Small Margin, "I'm Blaming" "Wimpy, Pathetic, Feckless" Republicans Who Backed Away From Trump


From the October 24 edition of Courtside Entertainment Group's The Laura Ingraham Show

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LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Let's get into this issue of Republicans not supporting [Donald Trump], not rallying around him, not understand that it's more than about the fact that he's not a trained politician. He's not going to do everything that's focus group-tested. He's made some mistakes, obviously some significant ones. But the Democrats never break ranks. They just don't do it. They know the prize is ahead of them. 


INGRAHAM: Here’s what I want to tell everybody who’s listening coast to coast to The Laura Ingraham Show. These Republican senators, for the most part, who are in tough election battles -- the ones who backed away from Trump, didn’t support Trump, hesitant, sort of supported him, didn’t support him, backed away -- Ayotte and Heck are totally tanking. And I’m telling you Pat,so many people have come up to me and said if my senatorial candidate doesn't support Trump, I'm not voting. I'm not going to vote for him. Because I'm sick of this Republican party. I head it in Missouri, I heard it in Vegas, I heard it in Lakeland, I heard it in Tampa, I heard it in Alabama. Now those are some pretty conservative places. But nevertheless, the Republican voters are infuriated at this party not doing what the Democrat party does for its nominees. They always support their nominees and our Republicans are wimpy, pathetic, feckless. And if Trump loses by a smaller margin than is predicted, I'm blaming them. 


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Posted In
Courtside Entertainment Group
Laura Ingraham, Donald Trump
The Laura Ingraham Show
2016 Elections
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