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Tea partiers are casting their lot with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, even though analysts say his fiscal plan will explode the deficit. (Associated Press)

Tea partyers back Donald Trump, hold out hope for fiscal plan

- The Washington Times

Donald Trump’s tax and spending plans would explode the deficit, according to independent analyses, but tea party voters, the political movement born as a protest against government debt, are still willing to roll the dice with the billionaire businessman, saying he is the closest thing they have to a political home this year.

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Republicans contend with Trump factor among Hispanic voters

- Associated Press

Berta Delgado told the Spanish-speaking conservative activists at her door that she is "100 por ciento" Republican, and agreed with their assessment that Democratic Senate candidate Patrick Murphy is too liberal. She said she'd vote for Sen. Marco Rubio.

Police from Roanoke, Salem and Roanoke County, as well as Virginia State Police and the Roanoke Sheriff's Office, responded to a fatal shooting at FreightCar America in Roanoke, Va., Tuesday morning, Oct. 25, 2016. Police say a man fatally shot someone and wounded several others inside the rail car manufacturing company in Virginia before apparently killing himself. (Heather Rousseau/The Roanoke Times via AP)

Workplace shooting suspect described as 'perfect neighbor'

- Associated Press

The man who authorities say fatally shot a former co-worker and wounded three others before killing himself at a rail car factory in Virginia was described by neighbors as a good friend and hard worker who showed no signs of violence.