Recent Op-Eds

Worried Neighbors Move to Balance Beijing

By Ted Galen Carpenter. China-US Focus. October 12, 2016.

Chinese policymakers need to ask themselves why so many diverse nations seem to be receptive to measures that translate into balancing behavior against China even when the United States is in the background.

Why Russia Fears NATO

By Ted Galen Carpenter. National Interest (Online). October 10, 2016.

Adam Twardowski takes umbrage at arguments that I and other members of the realism and restraint camp have made that NATO’s behavior over the past two decades has exacerbated tensions with Russia.

Safe Zones Won’t Save Syrians

By David Bier. National Interest (Online). October 8, 2016.

Safe zones are the strategy of choice for outside powers that do not want to commit to resolving the underlying conflict.