Centers and Projects

The Cato Institute's nationally and internationally recognized Centers and Projects tackle a wide range of topics, including health care, education, environment and energy, foreign policy, and international human rights. Scholars in these Centers and Projects vigorously apply America's founding principles to key issues of the day, and are committed to countering the continued expansion of government beyond its constitutional constraints, and to confronting escalating attacks on individual rights.

Center for Constitutional Studies

The Center for Constitutional Studies addresses a wide range of constitutional and legal issues, especially by encouraging the judiciary to neither make nor ignore the law but rather to interpret and apply it through the natural rights tradition inherited from the Founders. Center scholars conduct rigorous legal research, hold forums on key legal issues, publish our annual Supreme Court Review, and manage one of the most successful amicus program in the country.

Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity

The Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity was established to promote a better understanding around the world of the benefits of market-liberal policy solutions to combat some of the most pressing problems faced by developing nations. In particular, the Center seeks to advance policies that protect human rights, extend the range of personal choice, and support the central role of economic freedom in ending world poverty.

Center for Representative Government

Taking its inspiration from James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, the Center for Representative Government is dedicated to promoting limited, representative government. The Center and its scholars work through books, conferences, forums, op-eds, speeches, congressional testimony, and TV and radio appearances to bring the ideals of individual liberty, civil society, limited government and citizen legislators back to the forefront of American political life.

Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives

The Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives is dedicated to finding better alternatives to today’s discretionary monetary and counterproductive financial regulatory regimes. By studying and making academics, policymakers, and the general public aware of possibilities for monetary and financial reform, the Center will develop practical policy strategies for building a monetary and financial system that is both more competitive and far more stable than the status quo.

Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies

The Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies is focused on issues and policies that expand the freedom of Americans to participate in global markets. Center scholars also maintain an interactive web site that allows users to examine how Congress and its individual members have voted over the years on bills and amendments affecting the freedom of Americans to trade and invest in the global economy.

Center for the Study of Science

The Center for the Study of Science is positioned at the nexus between science and policy. Is science a neutral, value-free profession? Are there incentives in Washington, where there is intense competition for federal monies, to exaggerate various problems and issues? What effect does this have upon the scientific literature, which is the modern canon of knowledge?


Project on Criminal Justice

No one disputes the idea that police misconduct is wrong, but reasonable people do disagree about the scope of the problem and how it ought to be addressed. The purpose of this project is to gather reports of credible allegations of police misconduct so policymakers (and others) can make informed assessments of the nature and circumstances of police misconduct, and consider proposals that can minimize wrongdoing.

Project on Social Security Choice

Social Security is not sustainable without reform. Simply put, it cannot pay promised future benefits with current levels of taxation. Yet raising taxes or cutting benefits will only make a bad deal worse. However, allowing younger workers to privately invest their Social Security taxes through individual accounts will improve Social Security's rate of return; provide better retirement benefits; treat women, minorities, and low-income workers more fairly; and give workers real ownership and control of their retirement funds.

Troubled Currencies Project

For various reasons — ranging from political mismanagement, to civil war, to economic sanctions — some countries are unable to maintain a stable domestic currency. These "troubled" currencies are associated with elevated rates of inflation, and in some extreme cases, hyperinflation. Often, it is difficult to obtain timely, reliable exchange-rate and inflation data for countries with troubled currencies. To address this, the Troubled Currencies Project collects black-market exchange-rate data for these troubled currencies and estimates the implied inflation rates for each country.

Project on Public Opinion

The Cato Institute’s Project on Public Opinion conducts high quality public opinion surveys, in-depth studies, and experiments to investigate what Americans think about important public policy issues, what values and assumptions motivate their beliefs, and how their opinion changes and evolves. Our data-driven social science research informs policymakers, opinion leaders, policy experts, journalists and the general public so that they may better understand how public attitudes are shaping America.