
Various astrophysical and geophysical topics I found the time to write about:
  1. (2010 07 30)  20th century global warming - "There is nothing new under the Sun" - Part III
  2. (2010 07 30)  20th century global warming - "There is nothing new under the Sun" - Part II
  3. (2010 06 27)  20th century global warming - "There is nothing new under the Sun" - Part I
  4. (2006 09 16)  The Critique of Knud Jahnke and a New Meteor Exposure Age Analysis
  5. (2006 09 15)  Celestial Climate Driver: A Perspective from Four Billion Years of the Carbon Cycle
  6. (2006 05 31)  Estimating Stellar Parameters from Energy Equipartition
  7. (2006 04 28)  Cosmic Rays and Climate
  8. (2006 04 17)  Carbon Dioxide or Solar Forcing?
  9. (2006 04 04)  The Transit of Venus
  10. (2006 03 30)  The Milky Way Galaxy's Spiral Arms and Ice-Age Epochs and the Cosmic Ray Connection

Astro-related blog Entries:
  1. (2015 04 26)  Euthanizing Overholt et al.: How bad can a bad paper be?
  2. (2015 03 27)  Bits of Science / Roundup #1
  3. (2015 03 11)  Sights from a Field Trip in the Milky Way: From Paleoclimatology to Dark Matter
  4. (2013 02 15)  Predicting a supernova precursor (on SN2010mc)
  5. (2011 08 27)  The CLOUD is clearing
  6. (2007 12 13)  A Nice Black Hole Merger Simulation
  7. (2007 06 30)  The Occultation of Venus
  8. (2006 10 27)  Earth's magnetic field protecting us from deadly radiation - A common misconception
  9. (2006 10 25)  No life on Earth either!
  10. (2006 10 04)  "SKY" experiment demonstrates link between cosmic rays and condensation nuclei!
  11. (2006 09 17)  Comments on nature's "A cosmic connection"
  12. (2006 08 25)  Planet, Gone!
  13. (2006 06 13)  You are about as likely to die from a meteor as you are from a plane crash!
