Sydney's Rail Future

Sydney’s Rail Future is a long-term plan to increase the capacity of Sydney’s rail network through investment in new services and upgrading of existing infrastructure. It’s a five-stage program to meet the challenges of a growing population and the needs of customers in the future. The plan aims to modernise and transform Sydney’s rail network.

The plan was released in 2012 and identified Sydney Metro Northwest (formerly the North West Rail Link) as Stage 1 of Sydney’s new metro network.

In 2014, the extension of the project through the city and out to Bankstown was confirmed as Stage 2: Sydney Metro City & Southwest.

Sydney’s Rail Future – a three tier railway

Sydney’s Rail Future forms part of the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan (PDF 42.3MB). Sydney’s Rail Future delivers a three-tiered system to respond to changing customer needs:

  • Tier 1: Metro
  • Tier 2: Suburban
  • Tier 3: Intercity.

NSW Long Term Master Plan

The NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan (PDF 42.3MB) outlines a 20-year vision for transport in NSW, highlighting more than 200 short, medium and long-term actions and recommendations.

Catering for growth

Over the next 20 years the NSW population is expected to grow to around 9 million. The increase in population means more passengers on trains and buses, more traffic on our roads, and more goods moving around NSW. The master plan sets the direction for transport planning, providing a framework for transport policy and investment decisions that respond to key challenges.

New South Wales long term transport master plan for December 2012

Cover of NSW Long Term Master PLan

Sydney Metro Trains Facility