Stakeholder and community engagement

Early consultation

Sydney Metro City & Southwest undertook early consultation along the project corridor in June 2015. The aim was to collect stakeholder and community feedback on the project with a focus on preferred station locations, tunnel versus track work and information about the rail line route.

Meetings were held with key stakeholders – including local government, New South Wales and Australian Government departments, peak bodies and industry associations. About 800 people attended eight community information sessions, 10,000 people participated in online feedback forums and the project team received more than 1500 submissions.

Early input from the community, business and key stakeholders assisted the Sydney Metro City & Southwest team to refine and determine the preferred station locations between Chatswood and Sydenham, including a new station at Crows Nest and Barangaroo.

Working with the community

Place Managers have been appointed along the project corridor and play a vital role in maintaining close and ongoing contact with local communities and stakeholders during the design and delivery of Sydney Metro. Their role is to be a direct point of contact between affected members of the community and the project team. 

Get in touch

1800 071 386 24 hour community information line

Community forums

Sydney Metro is Australia’s biggest public transport project – and we want people to have their say on how Stage 2 Sydney Metro City & Southwest, is delivered.

Our forums are currently closed, but your feedback will be used to help us prepare our official planning approval documents.

Sydenham to Bankstown

Environment and planning