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  1. A Father, a Son and Baseball

    NOTE: This is an updated version of the MULLINGS originally published in April 2005 on the day of the first Washington Nationals' baseball game at RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. * September 6, 1995. I flew to Austin, Texas, to watch a baseball game ... Staff - 07/07/2008 - 20:18

  2. Social Security: Finding Fixes for the Flood

    A torrent often begins with a trickle-- and so it is with entitlement spending. The flood of retirees that could overwhelm Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid has started slowly, but it’s underway. Last October Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, a 61-year-old ... Staff - 07/08/2008 - 07:07

  3. Obama's Vision for Government-Run Childhood

    One of the most dramatic changes in American life in the years since World War II involves the way we raise our children. We used to do it ourselves. Now, convinced we have better things to do, many of us leave the job to others. Encouraging this flight ... Staff - 07/08/2008 - 14:54

  4. The Ultimate Resource

    Why is it that mankind enjoys cell phones, computers and airplanes today but not when King Louis XIV was alive? The necessary physical resources to make cell phones, computers and airplanes have always been around, even when caveman walked the Earth. ... Staff - 07/08/2008 - 15:18

  5. Jesse Helms and Mangled Manners

    Conservatives across America mourned at the news of the death of Senator Jesse Helms, a man credited with impeccable conservative credentials in the U.S. Senate, a conscience of a movement devoted to the defeat of communism abroad and the defense of ... Staff - 07/08/2008 - 17:01

  6. 15 Things You Should Know About 'The Race'

    Only in America could critics of a group called “The Race” be labeled racists. Such is the triumph of left-wing identity chauvinists, whose aggressive activists and supine abettors have succeeded in redefining all opposition as “hate.”   Both Barack Obama ... Staff - 07/09/2008 - 04:59

  7. Congress Is OPEC's Staunchest Ally

    Despite Congress’ periodic hauling of weak-kneed oil executives before their committees to charge them with collusion and price-gouging, subsequent federal investigations turn up no evidence to support the charges.   Right now oil company executives are ... Staff - 07/09/2008 - 09:59

  8. A Time to Drill

    In a remarkably short time, the public has changed from supporters of environmentalism to advocates of drilling for oil and natural gas in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and/or in the ocean.   For the first time since the 1970s, liberals in ... Staff - 07/09/2008 - 12:38

  9. Obama Is An ‘Underwhelming’ Nominee

    “I would say he was pretty underwhelming,” said Lawyer Gus several days after he and some 200 other big-money supporters of Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign met with the victor, Barack Obama, in Washington on June 26. Lawyer Gus is a ... Staff - 07/10/2008 - 06:24

  10. Templeton Never Confused Mammon with God

    “No man can serve two masters,” Jesus said. Sir John Templeton, one of the shrewdest financial minds in history, saw the wisdom in this, especially since it came from his Lord. So, unlike some other wealthy men who made mammon their god, he put money in ... Staff - 07/10/2008 - 12:53