
The Democrats’ “Blame America First” agenda of calling everything racist can’t override their radical policies that will never be accepted by American patriots. In summary, the Left is causing the “White Supremacist” terror that they say they oppose!

Aberrant Leftist Policies Exacerbate Domestic “White Supremacist” Terror

By —— Bio and Archives--August 22, 2019

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Aberrant Leftist Policies Exacerbate Domestic, White Supremacist, Terror,As the Democrats move from the Russia to Racism hoax, the cruel irony is that the Left’s radical policies spur a “White Supremacist” terror, which they adamantly oppose, but barely exists.
This is the big disconnect in the United States politics. Conservatives see the country disintegrating and President Trump as the last hope to save it. Yet, the Left has a name for his putting America First: “White Nationalism.”

The Left’s support for Open Borders is the “red flag” in front of the bull. The Democratic Party declares that immigrants are being held in “inhumane conditions” in “concentration camps” on the Southern border with Mexico, and normal Americans say, “You people are out of your minds.” Most Americans are outraged by the chaos on the Southern Border and the invasion of their country; they demand that the border be sealed, and that “the Wall” be built. Americans know, as the economist Milton Friedman asserted in 1997 that you can’t have both open immigration and a welfare state. You can have one, but not both because immigrants by voting themselves benefits will destroy the United States.

The Leftists, The Globalists, the Outsourcers of Jobs, and the Open Borders Crowd have destroyed the possibility of a middle class

The illegal immigrants who live in the United States must be “sorted through” and expelled, if necessary. New arrivals to this country must assimilate and embrace American values. Immigrants don’t come here as Americans; they must learn citizenship, and the country’s history and heritage. People on the Left assert that, “our democracy is in danger,” but the United States is a republic, not a democracy, and the republic must be restored.

Making immigrants into Americans is a multi-generational undertaking. New Americans have to be taught about limited government, the Protestant work ethic, patriotism, serving in the military, and having faith in a Creator, who “shed his Grace on thee.” We have to seal the border because the United States has been invaded by immigrants who are not acting like Americans. Americans work and don’t take “free stuff.” Americans don’t jump to the head of the line. Immigrants suppress wages, which makes working less desirable in the United States. Our work ethic was learned from the Puritan Pilgrims and is an American virtue.

The Leftists, The Globalists, the Outsourcers of Jobs, and the Open Borders Crowd have destroyed the possibility of a middle class. We have a society that permits men and women to earn a reasonable livelihood when we can allow for wages to rise by excluding illegal immigrants willing to work for less pay but who accept welfare benefits. People with good jobs feel confident and connected to their communities and give back later to the next generation. Without the dignity of work and earning a reasonable living and having connections to community, the only alternative is opiates and despair and the involuntary decimation of the working class. That’s the straight line to the “White Supremacist” website 8chan. The only conclusion that these marginalized Americans can draw is that the Left wants to “replace” them with alien races. Trump voters believe their country is imperiled and oppose the Left’s administrative state and overzealous government. They are fighting back in the same way that people on the Left would say that black people are doing when they protest “racism” or police brutality, or when “Palestinians” kill Jews in Israel. The Left calls this seeking “Justice,” but Americans fighting for their country are “white supremacist domestic terrorists.”

Black and Hispanic conservatives want to join the American family, and they are being discouraged by Democrats screaming “racism” all the time

This is where the Jews enter the picture, because many of these marginalized Americans see the Jews as the leaders of the Left’s assault on the American Way of Life. That’s why we had the recent Pittsburgh and San Diego synagogue shootings, even though there have been this type of attack on Jewish institutions FOREVER and certainly in the United States before Donald Trump was elected president in 2016.
Perhaps that’s why President Trump this week questioned the loyalty to Israel of American Jews who vote for a Democratic Party that includes Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. These two Muslim congresswomen support the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement that seeks to marginalize and eventually destroy the State of Israel. But to the Jews on the Democratic Left, Trump is Hitler, when in fact Trump is America First. Democrats House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have condemned BDS, but both refuse to criticize Tlaib and Omar.

What people on the Left see as “human decency” in letting “everybody” into America, and giving them “everything,” regular Americans see as the end of the country that they love and a willingness to die for.

Open Borders combined with Free Stuff is an act of war. Americans are tired of Democrats who can’t even run America’s cities lecturing them. Conservatives surely don’t trust Democrats to run the country.

Black and Hispanic conservatives want to join the American family, and they are being discouraged by Democrats screaming “racism” all the time. Yes, there is a legacy of slavery in this country, and yes, Reconstruction failed after the Civil War, but we now are living 50-plus years into the Civil Rights era. The only way to avoid failing again is to break the power of the teachers unions and allow all American children to attend the schools of their choice and bring God back into the equation. In the 1960s, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society orchestrated the destruction of the black family by supercharging the welfare state. Now all American families are being destroyed by Liberalism.


Statistically, there is minimal “White Nationalism” in the United States

Statistically, there is minimal “White Nationalism” in the United States. There will ALWAYS be anti-Semitism in America. No matter how hard anybody tries to eradicate it, a minimum of 10 percent of the U.S. population will hold fiercely anti-Jewish views. Black on Black crime is far more prevalent than white people committing racial crimes. Blacks also commit a disproportionate number of “hate crimes,” compared to whites, as they do all crimes. These are simply facts easily found in FBI data. The Left is instigating “hate crimes,” against Jews because of their radical policies that Americans abhor. The Tree of Life Synagogue shooter in Pittsburgh saw Jews as the leaders of the Left; he described his rampage as a military operation against people who support Open Borders. It’s not that these killings are not happening, they are and they are evil acts. But because the Left holds “abhorrent views” that defy American custom and culture, armed Americans are committing reprisals.

“White supremacist terrorists,” are often mentally ill and state convoluted motives for mass killings besides race hatred. How widespread “mass killings” are also depends on who is doing the counting. Calling for free college education, Medicare for All, forgiveness of student debt, and health insurance for illegal aliens is intolerable to ordinary Americans. Any efforts to support and sustain the American experiment in self-government as outlined in the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, and the U.S. Constitution, the Left has a name for: “White Nationalism.” It’s ludicrous.

American Leftists are free to move to a country more to their liking, say, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea. If not, they ought to stop thinking they know better than the American People and its founding documents. The Left’s “abhorrent views” are instigating the “White Supremacist” terror that they consider so heinous, but really is quite rare. The Democrats’ “Blame America First” agenda of calling everything racist can’t override their radical policies that will never be accepted by American patriots. In summary, the Left is causing the “White Supremacist” terror that they say they oppose!


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Daniel Wiseman -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Daniel Wiseman is an independent political commentator, who focuses on national and international affairs. He spent nine years as a professional journalist in Wyoming before working in fund-raising, non-profit management, and is now working in New York City. Wiseman focuses his writing on how to bring the United States back to its Constitutional moorings.  He writes exclusively for Canada Free Press.

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