
"Being right sucks” was put into play by Fox long before their network’s present shift to the left

Does Fox News Believe “Being Right Sucks”?

By Judi McLeod

Does Fox News Believe Being Right SucksLong before it became apparent that Fox News was leaning ever leftward, Fox was raking in millions through a television show, “The Simpsons”, which it owned outright.

It was Fox—and not the Walt Disney Company who owned “The Simpsons” back in 2016 when the show responded to Donald Trump’s victory with three vulgar words: “Being right sucks.”

Cover Stories, News

Who Is Antifa? What You Need To Know

By Ray DiLorenzo

AntifaAntifaschistische Aktion, abbreviated as Antifa or anti-fascist, was an organization affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany that existed from 1932 to 1933. In the postwar era the historical organization inspired new groups and networks, known as the wider Antifa movement, many of which use the aesthetics of the historical Antifaschistische Aktion, especially a modified version of its logo. Wiki

American Socialist Brats Heading For Marxist Slavery

By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

American Socialist Brats Heading For Marxist SlaveryAs more high school and college students are indoctrinated by their teachers and professors into accepting socialism as the only solution to their future, the country seems to fall deeper into anomie. Anomie is “the social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values.”

They are so lacking in knowledge of their own country’s history that they believe what the Marxist professors and the MSM have been repeating ad nauseam, that we are a democracy when we are a constitutional republic. Lies, when repeated enough times, become reality.

Government, Media, and Gun Control

By Peggy Ryan

Government, Media, and Gun ControlThe New York Post blared the headline: “Now can Congress talk about gun control?“No, Congress should never, ever talk about gun control because it goes against the very Constitution they swore to defend.

But what brought us to the place where Congress and even our President is willing to ‘talk’ about encroaching on our Constitutional rights?It was another mass shooting, actually two events back-to-back, a Walmart in El Paso, Texas where 20 people were killed and a bar in Dayton Ohio where the shooter took 9 lives.

Bernier Barred from the Ball

By Lee Harding

Bernier Barred from the BallCanada’s establishment doesn’t want Maxime Bernier to represent his People’s Party in national debates. The Canadian Debate Production Partnership (CDPP) has imposed the will of mainstream political parties and media on the electorate. Instead of fostering debate, the CDPP is undermining it.

How did this happen? Last November, Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould said Bernier could join the debates on one condition. His new party needed candidates in 90 percent of ridings. She probably thought the PPC had no chance. It was like Cinderella being told by her wicked stepsister that she was quite free to attend the ball…IF she had an appropriate dress to wear.

What’s happened to the DRUDGE REPORT?

By Lee Cary

What's happened to the DRUDGE REPORTTo borrow a line from a Buffalo Springfield song, “There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear.”

Have you noticed what’s been happening on the DRUDGE REPORT?

It’s gone tabloid—as in “featuring stories of violence, crime, or scandal presented in a sensational manner.” Add “bizarre” to the list.

Why President Trump Hasn’t Aged As Much As His Predecessors

By Judi McLeod

Why President Trump Hasn’t Aged As Much As His PredecessorsLOL!

Fresh back on the attack after Chris Cuomo’s cringeworthy “Fredo” meltdown, the CNN anchor now suggests that President Donald Trump’s apparent lack of aging shows he ‘doesn’t care’ about the country enough’.

What a rollicking good barrel of laughs at one of those times when it’s most needed.

Canadian Political Debates Officially a Farce

By Arthur Weinreb

Canadian Political Debates Officially a FarceYesterday the debate schedules leading up to the October 21 Canadian Federal Election were announced. In addition to when, the names of the moderators of the debates have also been released. And it’s not a pretty picture. (CBC, Aug. 20)

Baby Killers

By Joan Swirsky

Baby KillersRemember good ole boy Johnny Edwards—actually North Carolina Democrat Senator John Edwards (1998-2012), VP candidate in 2004, and presidential candidate in 2008? Edwards is hard to forget because he burst upon the national stage as the golden-tongued lawyer who was famous for defending the rights of the unborn.

According to writer Douglas Johnson in National Review, “in 1985, John Edwards stood before a jury and channeled the words of an unborn baby girl. In his closing argument to the jury, Edwards conveyed what the unborn child, Jennifer Campbell, purportedly had been feeling hour-by-hour as her distress grew.

Disposing of the Electoral College or Removing Bulkheads to Sink the Ship

By Mark Andrew Dwyer

Disposing of the Electoral College or Removing Bulkheads to Sink the ShipSeveral “blue” states are conspiring to circumvent the Electoral College by means of the “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact” initiative. These states will award all their Electoral votes to the candidate who wins the majority of the so-called “popular vote”.

The “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact” initiative is a very dangerous project. It attempts to bypass Constitutional protections against some forms of election fraud. In particular, it facilitates propagation of the ill effects of the election fraud in one or more states into other, fraud-free, states. If implemented, it can sink the ship America (figuratively speaking), as the example below explains.

The Real Reason Why Progressives “HATE!” President Donald Trump

By Judi McLeod

The Real Reason Why Progressives HATE President Donald TrumpThe real reason why Progressives “HATE!” President Donald Trump?

It’s because Trump’s against-all-odds survival in the political hatefest against him shows clearly how pathetically powerless Progressives really are.

Nothing they have thrown at him ever sticks.

American Politics

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