
Maxime Bernier’s exclusion illustrates how much Canadian voters, real ordinary people, don’t matter

Canadian Political Debates Officially a Farce

By —— Bio and Archives--August 22, 2019

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Canadian Political Debates Officially a FarceYesterday the debate schedules leading up to the October 21 Canadian Federal Election were announced. In addition to when, the names of the moderators of the debates have also been released. And it’s not a pretty picture. (CBC, Aug. 20)

The English language debate will take place on October 7. And there will be not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE moderators. These moderators are with CBC, CTV, Global, the Toronto Star and Huff Post. All left wing organizations. And most of them have been paid off by the governing Liberals. The thought of having a debate host such as Rex Murphy or someone from the Sun Media who at least can be objective, never crossed the mind of the organizers. Even worse, it might have crossed their minds and was discarded.

Green Party has been around since the 1980s and currently has about 18,000 members. The PPC on the other hand, created in late 2018, has 40,000 members

Taking part in the debate will be the leaders of the Liberal Party of Canada, the Conservative Party of Canada, the NDP, the Green Party and the Bloc Quebecois. Maxime Bernier, the leader of the newly formed Peoples Party of Canada, has been excluded for not meeting the debate criteria the elites set down. If nothing else, Bernier’s exclusion illustrates how much Canadian voters, real ordinary people, don’t matter. The Green Party has been around since the 1980s and currently has about 18,000 members. The PPC on the other hand, created in late 2018, has 40,000 members. That doesn’t matter.

Bernier should not be worried about being excluded from what is obviously a rigged debate. And CPC leader Andrew Scheer should think twice before wanting to participate. As far as the English language debate is concerned, the presence of the Bloc is irrelevant.  It was a given that in the debate, Trudeau, Singh and May would all be ganging up on Scheer who has a good chance of forming the next government. Singh and May have zero chance of governing but would have power if the Liberals wound up with a minority government and needed the help of one or both of the NDP and the Green Party. Lizzie May could end up as the adult in the room and it would be fun to watch her interactions with Justin.

It is one thing to realize all the debate’s participants will be going after Scheer. But it is quite another to decide to have five conservative-hating moderators, members of a union that has announced a campaign against the CPC.  Scheer really should back out of a debate that has been formally rigged against him. But he is too much a part of the establishment to do that.

So what should Bernier do? Instead of complaining of being excluded from the debates he should thank the organizers for excluding him in light of how they appointed moderators who will ensure their boy Justin comes over looking good.

Bernier should do is to challenge Scheer to a debate

What Bernier should do is to challenge Scheer to a debate. There could be two moderators, one chosen by each participant. It would be a real debate rather than what exists now; paid off “journalists” pretending to be fair and impartial.

Bernier vs. Scheer would be good even if it could only take place online. Even if the mainstream media won’t cover the debate live, it would be awfully hard to ignore.

Come on Max; challenge Andrew.


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Arthur Weinreb -- Bio and Archives | Comments

Arthur Weinreb is an author, columnist and Associate Editor of Canada Free Press. Arthur’s latest book, Ford Nation: Why hundreds of thousands of Torontonians supported their conservative crack-smoking mayor is available at Amazon. Racism and the Death of Trayvon Martin is also available at Smashwords. His work has appeared on Newsmax.com,  Drudge Report, Foxnews.com.

Older articles (2007) by Arthur Weinreb

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