Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

There’s no middle ground anymore with Democrats

Oct 15, 2018 — Herman Cain

There’s no middle ground anymore with Democrats
There used to be some middle ground between Republicans and Democrats, but the Democrats have demonstrated that there is no more middle ground on what they say they stand for, and there is no middle ground for voters when they vote in November.

No Democrats voted for the Trump-led tax cuts of 2017, which have helped to fuel the unprecedented economic prosperity most Americans are experiencing. One example is the median income level, which has surpassed $60,000 a year for the first time in over a decade.

Evil almost won

Oct 8, 2018 — Herman Cain

The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was a victory for good over evil.
The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was a victory for good over evil. All of the accusations against him were eventually found to be uncorroborated or petty (or just flat out absurd), and the U.S. Senate saw no reason to not confirm him.

For several weeks, the liberal media mob, accomplices to the radical elected Democrats and TDS liberals, tried to smear and destroy Judge Kavanaugh on sexual harassment allegations, excessive drinking allegations, ice-throwing allegations, and the “tone” of his defense of himself.

Single-payer health care could be a death sentence for seniors

Sep 21, 2018 — Herman Cain

Single-payer health care could be a death sentence for seniors
Imagine government bureaucrats in Washington deciding whether your life is worth saving or not. Such a nightmare that could very well become a reality should the Democrats get their way.

When the government gets involved in healthcare, it always leads to disaster and death — and “Medicare for All” is the crown jewel of social healthcare programs.

Want to stand up for Trump and conservatism? Share these four videos today!

Sep 10, 2018 — Herman Cain

America Fighting Back PAC
Last we we announced the formation of America Fighting Back PAC, with yours truly as chairman and primary spokesman.

We felt it was necessary to take an initiative like this because the so-called “resistance” to President Trump and his conservative policy agenda has become so unhinged and absurd. All you have to do is watch the circus that was the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings last week to realize the Democrats care nothing for truth, decency or even sanity. Even though they can’t possibly stop Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation – nor should they want to – they will do and say anything to introduce chaos and lunacy into the process.


Sep 10, 2018 — Herman Cain

On September 11, 2001 the USA was viciously attacked by terrorists to destroy us. It was not until then that most people realized we were at war with the terrorist networks around the world. After that and other fatal and tragic incidents, the American people are now conscious of the war with terrorists in which we are engaged.

But there is another war on the USA from within. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome, a mental disorder determined to destroy the Trump presidency and its accomplishments. Some people call it the Deep State. Others call it the resistance movement against Trump, and others don’t even call this war a name. They just hate everything Trump.

Nike really stepped in it this time

Sep 5, 2018 — Herman Cain

Nike chose to make Colin Kaepernick the face of its brand. Nike is now another example of elitists, liberals, progressives and Democrats being totally out of touch with real people. The drop in Nike’s publicly held stock is probably temporary. Its anti-patriotism will have a longer lasting effect.

Nike and others think they can thumb their nose at the national anthem and the flag, and not insult the patriotism of most of us. They are wrong.

Real people are not stupid

Sep 4, 2018 — Herman Cain

Real people are not stupid
As usual, when I take a few days off the Herman Cain Show and I’m traveling, people can’t resist sharing their views about politics and how the country is doing.

I want to share some unsolicited comments from real people I heard from over the course of the past week. They represent an authentic perspective, not the narrow lens of the media:

‘Hey, how can I listen to the Herman Cain Show? It’s not on local radio!’ Two clicks, that’s i

Aug 20, 2018 — Herman Cain

'Hey, how can I listen to the Herman Cain Show? It's not on local radio!' Two clicks, that’s it!
I meet a lot of people who say that they would like to listen to my radio show, but it is not on a local station. I respond that’s right, but it’s on your cell phone 24/7, and you can listen and see the show.

With amazement they ask how!

Socialism is bankrupt

Jul 30, 2018 — Herman Cain

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,Venezuela in Shambles
“Socialism is a philosophy that, at best, has proven to be ideologically bankrupt, having failed to produce anything close to a free-market system. At worst, it is a weapon for petty thug-tyrants to prop themselves up while strangling the nation’s economy and stomping on the rights of citizens with impunity, as has been the case in Venezuela.” – Jarred Stepman (Heritage)

Most people who are buying into the “free stuff” narrative don’t know what socialism is, or what it can do long-term. The narrative sounds good, but it has never worked in the history of mankind.

VIDEO: Fireworks on Mornings with Maria over tariffs

Jul 19, 2018 — Herman Cain

We had some fireworks this morning on Mornings with Maria!

The primary topic was the tariffs President Trump has recently imposed, and between myself, Maria Bartiromo and Dagan McDowell, we found ourselves having quite a spirited debate.

What do you think?

I can’t believe I get to do this for a living.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section, everyone!

Outside the political class, real people give their own money to help a teacher of poor children

Jul 18, 2018 — Herman Cain

Outside the political class, real people give their own money to help a teacher of poor children
There are people in this country who actually have real problems. They don’t use them as an excuse to bash others or to play victim. They just keep their heads down and try to do the best they can.

One such person is Kimberly Bermudez, the 27-year-old teacher of many impoverished children at charter school in Chicago. Recently on a flight to Florida, she was telling a fellow passenger about how difficult the lives of some of her children are – often going hungry or doing without other needs – and how teachers and administrators at the school routinely spend their own money to help with basic necessities for the children.

Contrasting Trump’s leadership with Obama’s positionship

Jul 16, 2018 — Herman Cain

Contrasting Trump’s leadership with Obama’s positionship
Barack Obama was in a leadership position as president. He used it to try to appease his political party, the liberal media, public opinion and his big financial donors. As a result, he “led from behind” – and that’s his own description.

You might call this positionship. He wasn’t interested in leading. He was interested in holding the position.

Here’s why the left’s anti-Kavanaugh strategy is not going to work

Jul 11, 2018 — Herman Cain

Here’s why the left’s anti-Kavanaugh strategy is not going to work
Predictably, the Democrats in Congress and other liberals went ape-crap when President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. From an announced list of 25 candidates many months ago, the Democrats had already decided they would “fight this nomination with everything they’ve got,” as Chuck Schumer so eloquently put it.

Democrat complaints sounding pretty ridiculous as the good news keeps rolling in

Jul 9, 2018 — Herman Cain

Democrat complaints sounding pretty ridiculous as the good news keeps rolling in
The liberals are louder with their outrageous rhetoric and ignorant protests, but conservative and free-market principles are driving more good news, pound for pound, than the liberal noise chambers. It starts with President Trump and his administration, and ripples down through many aspects of our economic and business infrastructures.

Last week, jobs created in the month of June were 213,000, the highest June monthly number in years. The unemployment rate ticked up to 4.0, because over 600,000 people re-entered the labor force. And May job numbers were revised up from 223,000 to 244,000.

Polls suggest trashing Trump isn’t working too well for Democrats

Jul 5, 2018 — Herman Cain

Polls suggest trashing Trump isn’t working too well for Democrats
I’m not a big poll follower because I know they can be manipulated. But I do consider the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average to be a more reliable indicator of what’s going on.

The RCP average Trump approval rating increased slightly in June. Significantly, the spread between his approval and disapproval went from 12 points to nine points. More significantly, a Harvard-Harris poll showed that Trump’s approval rating among Hispanic voters increased by 10 points during the same time period.

Herman on Fox this morning: Trump focusing on the right thing with SCOTUS pick

Jul 3, 2018 — Herman Cain

All the talk about Roe v. Wade is missing the point, and yet it’s what we get every time there is a Supreme Court opening.

I appeared this morning on Maria Bartiromo’s show on Fox Business Channel this morning, and we got down to the issue of why all the Roe discussion misses the point. This nomination will not be about re-litigating cases from the past:

This is not about changing the outcome of this case or that case. It’s about following the Constitution, and every candidate President Trump is considering is committed to doing that. Stick to the Constitution and you’ll get the judicial outcomes you need to protect freedom.

‘Abolish ICE’ scream ignorant liberals who have no idea what ICE does

Jul 2, 2018 — Herman Cain

‘Abolish ICE’ scream ignorant liberals who have no idea what ICE does
The latest rallying cry of the Democrat liberal wacko left is to “abolish ICE”. This ridiculous notion is being hailed by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-New York).

Kellyanne Conway gave the most succinct and accurate description of this insane notion to date: It’s ignorant and irrational.

It’s ignorant because most of the wackos responding to Gillibrand and other voices of anarchy have no idea what ICE does. They are being sucked into what started as a false political hyperbole by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), that “babies are being ripped from the arms of their mothers.”

Herman on Fox & Friends: About Obama’s admission that Democrats should be concerned

Jul 1, 2018 — Herman Cain

Herman on Fox & Friends: About Obama's admission that Democrats should be concerned
Obama’s self-regard knows no bounds, but he’s not wrong in this case – although he’s somewhat wrong about the reason for it.

Democrats do not have a positive message and the voters are not going to hand them power because they bash President Trump. What the voters do not want is more Obama-style policies.

Here’s how the conversation went this morning on Fox & Friends:

Blue wave? Yeah, we’ll see about that.

Democrats already losing their cookies in objection to Trump’s non-existent SCOTUS nominee

Jun 29, 2018 — Herman Cain

Democrats already losing their cookies in objection to Trump’s non-existent SCOTUS nominee
President Trump has not even named a SCOTUS nominee yet, and the Democrats and liberal media are in full Fear Factor mode. They want to scare people into believing that anyone he nominates will be bad for the country. Consider some of the scare tactics that have already.

We’ll start with Chuck Schumer:

What I heard on vacation from real people is nothing like what you hear on the news

Jun 28, 2018 — Herman Cain

What I heard on vacation from real people is nothing like what you hear on the news
We just returned from a week of vacation. We encountered dozens of people who were complimentary of conservative (fewer taxes, less government, more individual responsibility) points of view expressed on my radio show, web site, Facebook and my Fox News/Fox Business appearances.

Airline pilots, flight attendants, room service personnel, baggage handlers, restaurant wait staff, drivers, small business owners, big business executives, real retirees and a lot of people I did not even know expressed support of the direction of the nation, and not the liberal media noise chamber.