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The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a non-profit public policy organization dedicated to advancing the principles of limited government, free enterprise, and individual liberty. CEI's mission is to promote both freedom and fairness by making good policy good politics. We make the uncompromising case for economic freedom because we believe it is essential for entrepreneurship, innovation, and prosperity to flourish.

Unique among free market groups, CEI pursues a full-service approach to advancing public policy. We publish original scholarly studies that make the case for an issue, but our work doesn’t end there. Using a foundation of solid research, CEI crafts advocacy campaigns in order to reach policy makers, influential opinion leaders, and grassroots activists. CEI policy analysts produce timely commentaries for major news organizations, appear on television and radio programs, and engage with other experts who cover our key policy areas.

We also build coalitions, joining with allies to advance specific issues at the state, national, and international levels. When appropriate, we pursue our pro-freedom advocacy in court. We have brought lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of dubious statutes, interstate agreements, and onerous regulations, and we have sued government agencies to force the disclosure of public information. 

Founded in 1984, CEI has grown into an effective advocate for freedom on a range of regulatory policy issues, including energy, environment, business and finance, labor, technology and telecommunications, transportation, and food and drug regulation.

What others say about CEI:

  • Fortune: “While many on the right are lying low while the free market implodes, the Competitive Enterprise Institute isn't backing down, fighting on fronts from the bailout to green energy.”
  • The Business Insider: CEI’s “Myron Ebell may be enemy #1 to the current climate change community.”
  • Steve Forbes: “Over its 25-year history, CEI has played a critical role in preventing the worst of the left's utopian nightmares from becoming reality, and in undoing some of the damage those policies have created.”
  • Ron Paul: CEI is a true asset to the freedom movement, on issues from global warming to financial regulation, I can always count on CEI to effectively make a principled case for liberty.
  • William Armstrong, President of Colorado Christian University and former Senator (R-CO) on Ten Thousand Commandments: “This is an excellent piece of work and an invaluable reference.”
  • Al Gore on CEI (lamenting): … over 20 years, I have seen them have a tremendous effect.”

CEI is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, educational institute.

2019 Achievement Report


1310 L Street NW, 7th floor
Washington, DC 20005