Joe Biden: “The First Obligation We All Have Is, ‘Love Your God’”

By Staff | November 8, 2020 | 1:07pm EST
Joe Biden at the New Hope Baptist Church in Jackson, Miss., March 8, 2020. (Phot by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Joe Biden at the New Hope Baptist Church in Jackson, Miss., March 8, 2020. (Phot by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

( - Former Vice President Joe Biden has a page on his campaign website where he talks about being a “practicing Catholic” and the obligation all human beings have to love God.

“I’m a practicing Catholic,” Biden is quoted as saying on his website. “I believe faith is a gift.

“And the first obligation we all have is, ‘Love your God,’ the second one is, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

“‘Treat people with dignity,’” the website quotes Biden as saying. “Everyone is entitled to dignity, that’s a basic tenet in my household.”

The page on Biden’s website is entitled: "Highlights from Joe Biden's Vision for America."

It goes on to say among other things: “Vice President Joe Biden believes that in America, no matter where you start in life, everyone should be able to live up to their God-given potential.”

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