
Does Joe Biden Not Know No. 1 Clemson is Playing No. 4 Notre Dame?

By Terence P. Jeffrey | November 7, 2020 | 8:32pm EST
Joe Biden speaking in Wilmington, Del., after interrupting the Clemson-Notre Dame game. (Screen Capture)
Joe Biden speaking in Wilmington, Del., after interrupting the Clemson-Notre Dame game. (Screen Capture)

Former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris decided to give victory speeches in Wilmington, Del., on Saturday night, causing NBC to break away from its broadcast of the football game between No. 1 Clemson and No. 4 Notre Dame to cover the speeches.

The game was in the second quarter--and Biden could not even wait until halftime.

Did Biden believe it would increase his audience to interrupt the broadcast of a contest between the No. 1 and No. 4 college football teams in America?

Did Biden--a self-described devout Catholic--know that Notre Dame was playing Clemson?

Notre Dame and Clemson fans--and fans of college football wanting to watch the contest between two of the leading teams in the country--were forced to switch to a cable channel to continue watching the game as Harris and Biden interrupted it.

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