
Top-Rated Children’s Hospital Boasts of Providing ‘Gender Affirmation Surgeries’ - Like Hysterectomies - to Minors

By Craig Bannister | August 12, 2022 | 12:08pm EDT

Boston Children’s Hospital, the nation’s top-rated children’s hospital, is boasting that it provides “gender affirming hysterectomies” and a range of other transgender surgeries to minors who aren’t even old enough to purchase alcohol.

Billing itself as “the first pediatric center in the country dedicated to the surgical care of transgender patients,” Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) provides “a full suite of surgical options for transgender teens and young adults.” “Our experienced anesthesia team works to provide culturally sensitive care to the gender-diverse community,” the hospital’s website promises:

“The Center currently offers vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, chest reconstruction, breast augmentation, facial harmonization and other gender affirmation surgeries to eligible patients. We follow the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) guidelines to surgically treat people who are stable in their gender identity and have documentation of persistent gender dysphoria.”

The Boston Children’s Hospital website describes some of the procedures it offers (emphasis added):

  • Vaginoplasty is a procedure in which surgeons create a vagina from your existing genital tissue.”
  • Metoidioplasty is the surgical creation of a penis using your existing genital tissue.”
  • Phalloplasty is the surgical creation of a penis. In this procedure, surgeons harvest one or more "flaps" of skin and other tissues from a donor site on your body (usually your forearm) and use it to form a penis and urethra.”
  • Chest reconstruction surgery is a procedure in which physicians remove excess breast tissue and create a more masculine appearance for your chest.”
  • Breast augmentation surgery is a procedure in which physicians use implants to increase breast size.”
  • Facial harmonization involves the use of surgical techniques to modify facial features so they appear more traditionally feminine or masculine.”

Procedures, such as hysterectomies, have permanent consequences on the adolescents who receive them, Boston’s ABC News 4 reports, noting that parents are concerned that the promotion of gender ideology in schools will lead to healthy minors being mutilated:

“Hysterectomies, which are irreversible, are commonly used for cancer patients and a litany of other gynecological health problems. Now, one of the nation’s leading hospitals wants to remove healthy cervixes and fallopian tubes, which would permanently prevent a patient from being able to bear children.”


“Erika Sanzi, director of outreach at nonprofit Parents Defending Education, told The National Desk (TND) that she fears the infusion of gender ideology in schools around the country will ultimately lead to this sort of ‘mutilation’ of healthy bodies.”

BCH’s “full suite of surgical options for transgender teens and young adults” drew national media attention this week after video of one of the hospital’s pediatric gynecologists describing hysterectomies was posted on social media by Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok). The video has since gone viral, even though the YouTube post of it has been made “private.”

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